A Daring Deal With Lucifer Morningstar

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You are no other than Lisa Cooper, I see
I thank you for taking your time to summon me
You still miss many of your old friends to this day
And those traumatic memories are still causing dismay
You still have nightmares about an old enemy with a knife
And you survived a house fire at some point later in life

I state my name; Lucifer, the ruler of Hell
I see so much worth and value in what you are here to sell
You may have heard of what awaits in Hades before,
But you cannot bare Earth's tyranny crippling you even more
Your beating heart is too pure for each tragic story
And yes, I can certainly help you maintain your glory

From a crimson puff of smoke, here is a scroll
Watch it slowly unravel for one thing; your soul
The blankness at the bottom line awaits your name
This is for something more powerful than fortune and fame
The pen secured tightly in your grip approaches the space
You slowly spell out your full name with tensity on your face

I swear that such a dare almost made you bite your lip
I feel the warmth of your beautiful soul in my grip
This is the sign that you will never make it to Heaven,
But can you make it past the age of twenty-seven?
It may be worth losing control of your soul's destination
It still seems pure, even after your fornication

Before I leave you in the circular candle light,
Thank you for your unhesitant co-operation tonight
You will sense the benefits of sacrificing your soul,
Especially when justice against the odds is the goal
The rights to your soul are still partially yours for now
I shake your delicate hand as you sense something somehow

I have not seen such a risk taken since your great-grandmother
You vow to stay strong for your infant and significant other
I vow that you will rise beyond the times you had to grieve
And be stronger than the sinful appetite of Eve
I guarantee that you will rise above every fear
Have a safe and hopefully sinless night, my dear

Laura's Poetry Chronicles - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now