The Well-Deserved Demise Of Raymond Alfonso

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The once beloved hero became a cowardly villain right on stage

Many of his followers unfollowed him after widespread outrage

The exposure of his "homeland" is no better...and arguably worse

Nothing can ever justify a drastic difference within Lisa's curse

In fact, nothing about her curse would be justified at all

To this day, every false image is still painful to recall

She wanted to be noble, proving not all teens were the same

But he sided against her pleas whilst dishonouring his name

He used to be helpful, cheerful and desirably bolder

But he suddenly began to absorb himself as he acted "older"

His misrepresentation brought misery as he kept getting laid

But tonight is the night that the price will finally be paid

The scent of a lit cigarette lingers outside of his new house

He is still unredeemed after his corruption in a school blouse

Hooked on those drugs again, he is aware of his parole

Some hoped that he would change after he paid a toll

Thinking of his thirteenth ex-girlfriend, he begins to pout

To match the shade of his heart, he suddenly blacks out

Raymond slowly awakens as his head begins to pound

If only he had truly turned his life, including his name back around

Three hellish beings from Hades give the coward a fright

Hired by a lost soul who still remembers that wedding night

The imps' eyes glow at their hostage as they show no sympathy at all

In nothing like the collage of high school memories on his wall

He almost perished before, but he still continued to sin

He stooped a new low for Lisa, thinking that he would win

He dared to endanger the great-granddaughter of Rosina Walker

He plotted the worst possible deed after proceeding to stalk her

She was in Hell when her regretful high school year turned grim

So, how would he like it if the terror happened to him?

The white-haired demon scowls and tapes his vile mouth shut

Restrained in an awfully familiar way, he shall remain put

A pair of handcuffs to the edge of the bed for each wrist

His name is written in crimson at the bottom of a list

He can beg for mercy all he wants in his trashy bedroom

But it is too late for him to repent from his forthcoming doom

The boss plunges a kitchen knife in and out near his chest,

Staining the tobacco-scented hoodie that is one of his "best"

Bolts of pain strike like lightning from an angry rain cloud

A certain "O" is silent and those muffled screams are loud

The dame strikes a match and lets it fall onto the unmade bed,

The fierce flames engulf the captive, from his feet to his head

No matter how loud he shrieks, no one comes to care

That is exactly how Lisa felt during those times of despair

Last of all, the cherry-flavoured icing on the poisoned cake

A single bullet straight to Alfonso's head for revenge's sake

Tasting sweet right before the flames die along with him

An addict's bedroom in Britain has never looked this dim

The eventual justice for the dishonoured was worth the wait

The selfish, sinful impostor has finally met his fate

Bloodstained clothes, burned bedsheets and a forthcoming fee

The lowlife carbon copy's corpse was then magically let be

He will no longer be a reminder of the burdened past

He is gone from existence in this sinning world at last

Laura's Poetry Chronicles - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now