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Nicolai's POV

Now it was dinner time and I was still in my office, doing what I really don't know exactly since I did all the necessary calls, signed some contracts for my companies.
I practically did all my duties for the week.

All this to keep me busy and prevent my mind from retracing everything that happened yesterday, from the attack that took place in one of my companies right under my nose, to the astonishing but at the same time pleasant conversation I had with Kyl-i mean with Ms. Williams through the drive back to the mansion until the moment she passed out bleeding in my arms.

The instant I turned around and saw the trail of blood on the floor that was dripping from her side I felt like everything around me  practically stopped for a second.

How did I miss someone bleeding near me when we were in the same damn car.

That's what I kept asking myself the whole time we were in the hospital waiting for her to wake up from the surgery; I couldn't stop blaming myself for what happened to her.
I mean, I know it's her job to protect me, but I still felt like it was my fault.
She's literally protecting my life with hers without even knowing for who she's really working for.

Also the the way she protected me, using her body as a shield and the numerous times she asked me if I was okay or if I was hurt somehow surprised me because, after all my rudeness and the bad things I said to her, she still didn't hesitate to literally take a bullet for me, and I don't know how it makes me feel.

Glancing down at my watch I realized it was already time for dinner so I sorted my desk, dividing the documents that were scattered on the table into their various folders, all sorted alphabetically in a drawer that I kept under my desk.
Once everything was perfectly in order I closed my laptop and drank the last drop of scotch left in the glass, enjoying the pleasant burning going down my throat.

Once in the dining room I went to my seat at the head of the table, next to me was my brother already seated talking with Luca.

"Ciao fratello(Hi brother)"
Damiano said once he noticed my presence; I nodded my head towards him and, realizing I didn't really want to talk, he gave me a tight smile and started talking with Luca again.

I'm grateful to have a brother like him, Damiano always knows when I'm not in the mood for something and never tries to push me to talk about it, he gives me my space and waits until I'm ready to do it.

After a short time the room started to fill up, almost all the staff was already seated but I was too deep in my thoughts to notice or care about their presence.

I don't know what it is that I was staring at exactly but I had the feeling that everything around me was gone. I no longer heard the conversations that were being held at the table, I was in my personal bubble and to be honest I did not mind it at all.

However, I was brought back to reality by the annoying noise of a chair scratching on the floor.
I instinctively looked up trying to figure where that sound came from and saw a guy standing from his seat, Josh was his name I think.

He almost started running in the direction of the stairs, I followed him with my eyes, eyebrows furrowed in slight confusion until I saw who he was running towards; Ms Williams.

What he did next caused my jaw to clench automatically, a slight sense of annoyance caught me seeing the way he wrapped his arms around her in a too friendly hug if you ask me.

My eyes then moved down and I saw that Ms Williams was not returning the gesture, which made me feel a little more relived.

Since she's been here, I've noticed that she tend to avoid any kind of contact with other people, even with Mr Ramirez, who, as I understand, was a close friend of hers.

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