Chapter 2: Crazy Thoughts

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I've finally convinced Stan to give me a day off and I'm at a coffee shop in line to order. After I get my coffee, I can't help but notice a woman sitting all alone and she swipes her hair from her face as she continues to read a book. I look around as I sit down across from her, and I look at the title of the book she's reading. 

I squint my eyes confused on why anyone would willingly read a textbook that's meant for school. I shrug and lean back in my chair as I take a drink from my coffee. I put my coffee down as I interlock my fingers against the back of my head, and I see as the woman jumps up nearly knocking over my coffee. 

I drop the chair back down onto the ground as I say "sorry, didn't mean to startle you. You just looked like you could use some company and I didn't have anyone to sit with so here I am." 

She smiles at me and says "umm well, you didn't do a good job of not startling me, but thanks for sitting with me. I was kind of bored." 

I look at the textbook still in her grasp and then back up to her saying "really, well you must have been super bored to read . . . . That." She looks to the textbook and laughs a bit before saying "this no, well maybe a little. It's for my one of my courses." 

Oh I get it now, she's a straight A type. She puts her book on the table while I take another sip of my coffee and we talk for a long time before we both walk out the door. I look to her and she to me. 

She smiles and asks, "can I ask you something kinda crazy?" I nod as she walks up to me placing her hands on my chest and gets on her toes to speak in my ear saying, "I want you and I to fuck each other senseless." She steps back a bit to see my face and I smile saying "I'm glad I'm not the only one. Come on." 

I grab her arm and take her to the hotel I'm in. Once there even before we get in the door of my room, we're already eating each other's faces and trying to take one another's clothes off. Now in the door we part for air, and I close the door then I take my shirt off tossing it aside. 

I smile mischievously as I walk to her already on the bed fully naked and I get on top of her, kissing once again. Slowly moving my hand up her leg and across her body. Still kissing I position myself to start fucking her and I trust with no warning making her moan in surprise and pleasure. 

I feel as I approach my climax and I cum feeling the ultimate pleasure. I'm in bliss as she cums  and I exit her now lying beside her. I wrap my arm around her and kiss her. She kisses back as she also wraps her arms around me, and we lay there till morning.



~~550 words~~

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