Techno In Teora part 2: Party Gone Wrong

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*At the school*

Mike: Hey, you 5 sorry it took me a while- why is everyone looking at you like that?

Geo: Here Techno!

Mike: I can see you. *Blitzes towards them* So, why are y'all here? Why is no one sitting beside y'all?

Deva: Don't you know the rules around here? Social status dictates the rules.

Mike: Just like my highschool. Looks like our worlds have something similar.

Marlow: Why did Queen Gwain let you off so soon?

Mike: Let's say, E has something to do with this. If you don't get it I'm the guy who's supposed to do something.

Ami: You mean the Blue haired chillax guy- oh... Sorry about that.

Mike: None taken kid. Just glad you understood. And Deva, Go on about your ramble.

Deva: Alright so, all of us here are on the lower end and by the way this is Lanney.

Mike: Nice to meet you.

Lanney: Nice to meet you too mister Mike.

Mike: Lemme guess why your on the lower end. Discrimination. Also Agni you peep on the woman's locker room.

Agni: Eh- what? How? Where? When?

Mike: Now we got that out of the way, tell me more in specifically why you're on the lower end.

Deva: I myself, am a tempered ice and water witch. Ami has a deadly sickness that many think is contagious. Lanney is here because she doesn't even know her own element. And Geo for attracting gigantic robots.

Mike: Now that's unexpected. I'll be on the lower end because of probably the same reason as Geo. But regardless who's at the highest- *Hears opera music* Oh there she is.

Deva: Electra.

Mike: Is there also an element hierarchy?

Lanney: Probably not.

Mike: That's a relieve-

*A loud burst of lightning shines the room*

Mike: *Falls off the chair* Bruh what was that?

No name: Sorry allergies.

Mike: *Mumbles* None taken.

Deva: Just like every year she hands out invitations to only the most popular people.

Mike: Just like the cool kids. *Lays back* I was never invited to it so I can relate.

Deva: Such an annoying girl!

Mike: I've met worse. And she's on the lower end for me.

Agni: Man you must've met with a lot of fancy women along your way.

Mike: Sure has.

Agni: Can you tell me all about them-

Mike: Nope.

Agni: Aw damn it.

*Electra walks to their table*

Mike: Yo.

Deva: Jokes on you we don't care-

Electra: I'm here to hand out the invites.

Deva & Agni: We're invited this year-

Mike: Don't get your hopes up. She's already seen you two and what you do.

Electra: This one seems to have a decent sized brain.

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