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Lee heaven

23 years old

Cute , pretty, chubby, soft hearted but sassy and independent

Owns a bakery

Married to jeon jungkook

Jeon jungkook

26 year ( not in real)

Cold to everyone except his wife , calm, loving , caring , independent , smart

Ceo of his company

Married to lee heaven

Kim taehyung

26 year

Fun loving, naughty , cute , handsome, sharp minded

Ceo of his company

Engaged to choi lia

Choi lia

24 year

Beautiful , kind hearted, sassy bitch if someone provoke.

Secretary of kim taehyung

Engaged to kim taehyung

Hello everyone !!! What's up guyssss😁
So this is my new book . My previous book is still on work so meantime i will try to update these two books .

Sorry for the mistakes cause English is not my first language 😌😌

Please please please 🥺 vote my story

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