| XXVII - Mother Meets Pain |

Start from the beginning

"Why would Ares have to join if the previous Alpha could have won?"

He nods, "The trials work in a 'compete until no one stands' fashion. If the Alpha had lost, which he assumed he would have after so many fights, the other men would have fought until death to secure their position. Ares was young and overly talented. His father knew his death was upcoming, expected someone to best him, and wanted a fall back. It was unexpected how much fight the Late-Alpha had, leading to the final battle that neither wanted to do."

The thoughts swirl in my head, a horrible idea forming, "That settles it then."

"Settles what?" Mark chips in after helping Mrs. Gray back onto the floor, "Please don't tell me you're planning something stupid."

"Get me Tusk and Gerald. After lunch we'll have some fun."


The mother refused to eat leading us to feed her like a child. All she wanted was another bottle and peace. Now that she's met me, she knows who to stab. Her words, not mine. Ares informed me that he'd planned to tell me sooner, but she was ripping into his head so much he figured me strong enough to handle it on my own. He also told me that I'd never have to meet her again if I so choose, "Welcome!" My voice carries to the front where Tusk enters. He gives a big grin dragging in his mate who shows just as much excitement to see me.

"Jackson and Mark told us to get here and soon as possible, what's going on Luna?" Gerald crosses his arms looking around. Neither seem surprised by the space. It could be possible they've been here many times before.

"I'm the Luna!" Mrs. Gray screams throwing an empty bottle towards the new faces. Tusk catches it midair throwing it behind his back with a grunt. For a drunk, that woman has an arm. I turn my head to study her. She must've been human before coming here and looking at her neck she bares the mark of a wolf. Her reflexes must be just as well off as drunk as they are sober. Sobs wrack through her again. The servant is so flustered and tired that when the woman drops to the ground, she lets her stay there. You aren't paid enough.

"Did you send word to Monica and Reynolds at the manor?" I turn to Jackson. He gives a weary nod, "Thank you. Now, Ms. Debby?"

The woman freezes looking up to me, "Yes, Luna?"

"You won't be working for Mrs. Gray anymore. I'll have you transferred to the manor with some lovely ladies. Please go pack your things." The woman reaches out as if to hug me but turns her focus to rushing towards a bedroom. My ears have started to adapt to the sensitive sounds, her movements being detectable, "Tusk, Gerald, you're in charge of Mrs. Gray. Get her to the manor. She will be staying in a lower-level room under constant surveillance."

"Wait what?" Tusk hisses giving me a stabbing look, "You can't be serious. She is a disaster; we can't have her in the manor."

"I don't believe that's for you to decide?" My smile is blinding towards him, him backing down, "And this woman needs help. She's Ares's mother for fucks sake. If we can at least get her sober enough to talk, maybe clean up the cottage, we might be able to get her a little more herself. I've heard wonderful stories about her, and I won't let this image taint the woman I know she can be."

Gerald clicks his tongue towards me with a frown, "You're a better person than I'll ever be, Luna."

Hours later we have her screeching voice in a lower room thankfully with sound proofed walls. She's not locked in the space, but guards are always placed at the door to monitor what she's doing. Anything that involves alcohol is an absolute no. I've sent message for a pack therapist as well. Maybe talking through it with a professional could help. Ares also helped me organize a cleaning crew for his mother's cottage to get things back in order in case she would ever like to return. After many apologies through the bond, and in person, he's kneeling before me kissing the back of my hands, "You are a goddess." He whispers peppering over my hand once more.

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