chapter 4 - louis' pov

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Louis' mind felt fuzzy as he lay there in his bed attempting to understand the events which had previously played out just several hours before hand.

What did Zayn say to Harry?

Why did Harry get salty and leave?

Why is he thinking so much about Harry?

his train of thoughts were interrupted when his phone screen lit up, sending an incandeseant glow throughout his small bedroom.

Groaning, Louis rolled out of his bed and stumbled over to his desk where his phone sat, silently charging. He blinked and squinted, trying to read the small text in the notification on his lock screen, but gasped when he saw who the message was from.

Liam Payne.

No way Louis thought. No fucking way is Liam Payne texting Louis at 3:45 at night. No way.

Sighing, Louis opened the message reading what it said.

Liam: hey lou,, guess what!!

Louis: wot

Liam: i think betty just asked me out on a date

Louis: WHAT???????? HOW WHY???????

Liam; we were talking about some show and she said she wanted to come over and watch with me some time. ahhhhhhhh yassssssss shes so hottttttt i cant waitttttttt

Louis: jeez calm down. since when do u like gerls anyway???

Liam: girls**

Louis: fuck off its 4am

Liam: haha

Louis sighed and flicked his phone onto his soft carpet floor while he flung himself back into his bed. Since when does Liam like girls? Louis' mind repeated over and over again. He didn't have a problem with it, but seriously, since when. Last time Louis checked Liam was into him, and he's not going to say that he is jealous of Betty or anything, because she is a nice girl, but he's just very confused.

he thought back to the events of last year, which could play over so easily in his mind. Louis has never really been bothered when people walk out of his life, or when he unintentionally hurts them, but this time. this time it stuck with him.

*** Flashback to August 21st 2020 ***

"Liam! Why are you so pissed at me? What did I do? Please just tell me!" Louis' voice broke as he begged the brown eyed boy to tell him what was up.

suddenly Liam, Louis' best friend for just under three years, stopped talking or even socialising with Louis. It was weird, because they had always be super close and told each other every thing. The thought of the fact that Louis could of actually hurt Liam made him feel sick. He loved Liam (not in the way just as best mates).

"It doesn't matter. I'll tell you later."

"No Liam please," Louis grabbed Liam's hand and looked up at him with his big blue eyes. "Please," he whispered, "Just tell me."

"Fine." Liam let out, it was almost a whisper, and Louis only just heard him.

"Thanks Li." Louis smiled, however, Liam just looked down. Louis could tell that whatever it was Liam was holding back, it was not good.

"I-I-I um" Liam stuttered. Louis just looked up at him in confusion. "ILikeYou." Liam let out really quickly.

"Um what?? i didn't hear." Louis laughed. Liam sighed before repeating himself.

"I like you." He said much more slower, and firmer. Liam looked up at Louis with hopeful eyes.

"Bahahahahaha WHAT?!!! AHHHHHHHH LI YOU ARE LITERALLY SO FUNNY!" Louis cracked up laughing. "MY GOD LIAM, YOU ALMOST HAD ME FOR A SECOND!" Louis laughed out.

Liam sighed before quickly saying that he had to go. Running into his homeroom to cry.

*** End of flashback ***

Louis sighed. That was the very moment him and Liam lost what they had. That one connection that Louis had never actually felt in a life time, and he was too fucking dumb to even understand what his best friend was trying to tell him. Louis would have to admit to himself, every time he thinks about that day, he can't help but feel ashamed.

Maybe if he had of acted differently, him and Liam would still be as close as they were. Liam wouldn't have stopped talking to him for three months. And maybe, just maybe, they could still be best friends.

"I have to get Liam back." Louis whispered to himself before drifting off into a long, deep, sleep.

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