Chile POV

I don't know why his face suddenly appeared in my far as I remember...his name is Indo..I don't know why his face is in my head..I shook my head..I'm not a person who likes young men..he is younger than's impossible for me to like's impossible but..he looks mature and behaves like an goat..i feel my body is hot..i shake my head again..*screaming inside in south american drama* it can't be it can't be it can't be IT CAN'T BE!!!

brazil: holaaaaaa chileeeeeeeee

chile: e-eh?!

brazil: que pasa hermano?? (translation: what's wrong bro??)

chile: ¿lo siento. Qué estás diciendo? (translation: sorry,what are you saying?)

peru: por favor concéntrate chile (translation: please focus,chile)

argentina: Espera un minuto...chile,estas sonrojado?? (translation: wait a minute...chile,are you blushing??)

chile: e-eh?!¡¿de qué estás hablando?! (translation: what are you talking about?!)

brazil & argentina: *evil smirk in spanish drama*

chile: w-what?!

brazil: hohohhohoo~ahora entiendo~ (translation: i understand now~)

argentina: no te preocupes, te entendemos amigo~ (translation: don't worry,we understand you dude~)

peru: *sigh* aquí vamos de nuevo.. (translation: here we go again)

argentina: debes estar pensando en alguien~ (translation: you must be thinking someone~)

brazil: Déjame adivinar ~ debe ser uno de esos miembros de la ASEAN, ¿verdad ~? (translation: let me guess~it must be one of that ASEAN member right~?)








indo: haachoom!!

phil: indo?u okay?

mal: that's strange..abang rarely get sick..

indo: no am not..just..feel some1 talk about me..

brunei: it just feeling..but u still need to eat remedy..

indo: ...why..?

singa: cuz u neeed tho,don't ask why.

indo: ....fine..

mal: singa singa singa!!can we buy milo now!?

brunei,phil & singa: no.

mal: e-ehhhhh??????why??

phil: we already buy the boxes full of milo FINISHED it in 1 day...all ALONE..

mal: ehhhh???is that much????i think it's not enough!!

singa: for last time i told you mal,you can drink milo 3 times a day ONLY..not drink milo all the time..

mal: that box still not enough for me>:(

singa: i told you don't drink it too much!!

mal: I drank a little!!

singa: liar!!you drank it one packet of milo in 2 seconds!!

mal: no am not!!

singa: yes you are!!

Behind A Sweet Smileजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें