prologue #3

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Location: training area

Timing: afternoon

*Toshi was training with Gran Torino and nana was watching the scene*

Gran Torino: come on kid can't you land a hit on me properly

Toshi: I am trying

Gran Torino: do or do not there is no try

Nana: you watch star wars way too much gran torino

Gran Torino: well that was a good movie btw where is that y/n kiddo

Nana: he is at his home I am pretty sure he is sleeping right now

Gran Torino: yeah that kid is lazy but o have a feeling like he is hiding a great power underneath that laziness

Nana: you think so ??? I think he is a lazy and carefree attitude boy

Gran Torino: well I was just saying that's enough for today Toshi we will continue our training tomorrow

Toshi: well that's good and I think y/n is really cool also can we go to the mall nearby

*Nana was about to say something but there was a huge crash in a distance*

Nana: looks like we have a situation here sorry Toshi we will go to mall after this

Toshi: ok master but let me message y/n about the situation and send him the location

Nana: ok but quick we have to move before the villain escapes

*Toshi sends a message with attachment of the location and follows nana and Torino*

Location: the area where the explosion occurred

Nana: stop right there and surender now villan

????: well well well looks like the job would be easier than thought won't you agree seventh user of ofa ??

Nana:*terrified expression* A-ALL FOR ONE

AFO: it's nice to meet you again successor of en and who is that brat your successor perhaps

Nana: he has nothing to do with us all for one

AFO: very well shall we start now

*Meanwhile at y/n's house*

Y/N:*yawn* I have a feeling that something's going to be bad today

*y/n's mobile vibrates*

Y/N: hmmm what is it *looks at the mobile*
it seems like they are in a sticky situation well let's go help them and sleep afterwards

*wasting no time Y/N spawns a blaster and stands on it then starts to go to the destination with extreme speed*

Y/N: I don't know why I still have the same bad feeling

*meanwhile at the fighting area*

AFO: looks like I have overestimated you and your disciple way too much it's the same as the last time but now I can get rid of that damn ofa once and for all

Nana:(so this is it huh wait no Toshi and torino can't die here I have to do something)

Gran Torino:(he is stronger than I thought)

Toshi:(if only I had trained harder we would had an better chance)

AFO: say goodbye to the world ofa users
*Starts to charge a air cannon that's powerful enough to kill them all*

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