Chapter 9:Old people can be such a sorry sight

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Rem was confused by Kumagawa's actions. She didn't know what happened at the royal selection, but it apparently made Kumagawa mad at Roswal. He stole all of his books and made it impossible for the noble to enter the lubrary for one week straight.

And what confused her the most was Kumagawa absence from the mansion. She asked her sister and she said they should look for him, after throwing a comment of him probably getting ahead of himself and going to a brothel.

He was not in the village, they thought he'd be there playing with the kids. And, fortunately, he didn't kiddnap any kid just because they were amusing.

They began searching in the next location, the forest, after the kids told them he was actually playing with them but went in there after. However, soon both of them made faces of disgust as they felt the smell of the witch.

They tracked it down and both of them gave a nod to each other. Both of them jumped high, Rem throwing her Morningstar and Ram casting a Fura.

But their faces became horrified when they saw that the one who was actually giving off that scent was Kumagawa himself. Fortunately, he effortlessly caught Morningstar in his hand and used it to guard himself from Ram's wind spell.

Rem:Oh no! Kumagawa-kun, I'm so sorry!

Kumagawa:[Don't worry, I've been given colder greetings. What are you doing here?]

Ram:We should ask you that. And you should take a bath.

Kumagawa:[I know you're not hinting at my physical smell. I don't have any idea what this curse does, but I can use one of my abilities to manipulate it to an extent. I use this to hunt with cultists.]

Rem:Witch cultists!?

Kumagawa:[Yeah, one of the kids said he saw someone in the forest who looked pretty damn similar to the description of witch cultists. And as how they are village burning lunatics, I had a suspicion they want to burn the village. You know, because they're lunatics.]

Ram:That description fits them perfectly.

Rem:Still, it's very dangerous to do this alone.

Ram:That's a understatement. If they're so grouped and organized, chances are that they are lead by a Sin Archbishop.

Kumagawa:[Hehehe, I guess you're right.]

Rem:This is no laughting matter, Kumagawa-kun! You could get yourself killed!

Kumagawa:[That's not...Hm, I guess I can show you.]

Ram:Show us?

Rem:Waht are you talking about?

Kumagawa matterialized a sword in his hand, making them even more curious. However, they were mortifief as they saw him cutting his own head off.



Kumagawa looked around, seeing a sight he hasn't seen for quiet a long time. A classroom, which was just a represenatation of what is his "heart". Or perhaps it's his "soul"? He, he supposes the details don't really matter.

Suddenly, he was grabbed from all sides by disembodied hands. They were trying to pull him in some sortbof hole, but to no vail.

Kumagawa looked at the said hole, quiet displeased for someone wreaking a place so important for him. Even thought it was not the place itself and just a metaphysical copy of it.

The hole looked more akin of what is reffered as a portal. However, this one didn't seem to want to take him somewhere, but rather somewhen. He knows enough quantum physics to tell the difference.

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