Chapter 4:Who said dogs where a man's best friend?

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Kumagawa has succesfuly managed to learn the language and read the books. Although a part of him wished he hasn't.

There were a lot of things wrong with the country he's currently in. The racism and prejudice aside, their economy sucked. They were also worshipping a dragon.

It's what he expected, but one thing surprised him. While this witch of envy, Satella, was a big deal and the strongest heroes were needed to seal her away, there was one being descripted here who was even stronger. A goddess on earth, they said, whith flowing brown hair and blood red eyes.

The description did arise suspicions for him, but after he found out the alias she was going by he was convinced. Najimi was here.

He was mindlessly walking through the mansion, searching for something to do. Not long after he encountered Emilia with Rem.

Emilia:Kumagawa, good morning! Did you sleep well?

Kumagawa:[I guess I did. Say, you wanna become the ruler of this land, right?]

Emilia:Yes. I strive for a country without discrimination where people can live as equals.

Kumagawa:[What a Medaka-chan thing to say. If I can make a suggestion, fix your economy.]

Emilia:...That's quiet direct.

Rem:I need to agree with him, Emilia-sama. That's the main problem we have.

Emilia:Yes, our resources only get more limited by the day. I'll need to think of a way to fix it.

Kumagawa:[Glad we settled that.]

Emilia:On the subject of resources, Rem is gonna go to the village to buy ingredients for diner. You look pretty bored, do you wanna go with her?

Kumagawa:[Well, it's better than aimlessly walking around.]

Rem nodded her head with some relucance. She felt neither good nor safe by being around with him.

They took off right away and went to the village under Roswal's protection. Surprisingly, it was Rem who started a conversation.

Rem:How was your country?

Kumagawa:[It was pretty good, I guess. I enjoyed the summers because of the sakuras.]


Kumagawa:[It's a three. It doesn't make any fruits, but it has beautiful pink flowers. They also have a good smell.]

Rem:I see, we don't have such things here.

Kumagawa:[There was this thing at the of the year. There would be a lot of festivals and people would go to temples to pray for luck in the new year.]

Rem:Oh, is that so. We only have the dargon here. Did your people worship multiple gods?

Kumagawa:[They did, although I wasn't ever really a religious person. I imagine most weren't, it was only a tradition.]

Rem:Emilia-sama mentioned your combat prowess. Were you taught?

Kumagawa:[Not really. Although there was a institution who did give education with people with special abilities like me. Well, there were also normal people and people who were simply talented, but they were separated in other classes.]

Rem:Huh, was there anything else to this institution.

Kumagawa:[Well, there was tge Flask Plan. A hundred years old ongoing experiment to make geniuses.]

Rem:Oh, that sounds quiet good.

Kumagawa:[Yeah. If you ignore the fact that the experiment would make one percent of the students geniuses and kill the rest.]

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