[24]"boys you're going to hurt yourselves"

Start from the beginning

Steve just giggled and let himself be dragged to the sofa.
Bucky had a drink in his hand instantly and when he turned around so did Steve.
"Absolutely not! Give that to me"
"No try and take it from me" he replied sticking out his tongue.
"That is it!" Protested Bucky slamming his drink on the table and jumping on Steve with a smirk hidden on his face.
They struggled as Steve screamed between laughs trying to hide his drink and stop it spilling at the same time. Eventually they came to a stop with one man still sipping his drink and the other on the floor.
"I knew you couldn't take it from me"
"Yea well you're a surprisingly strong drunk".

They played a few rounds of truth and dare where Clint had to lick Sams foot, Thor had to speak in a Russian accent ever time he spoke (and he sucked at it), and Tony had to sit in a bra for two rounds. Yet five rounds later he still had it on. Bucky was feeling tired so leant back and lead across the sofa. He watched as Nat and Wanda attempted to catch malteasers in their mouths from across the room.
He didn't notice at first but Steve decided to lay on him, head on chest.
"Ug Steve you're a bit heavy"
"Ssshhh, I'm sleeping"
Then he lifted up Buckys top and tried to get in it with him.
"Stevie! You're going to rip it what are you doing?"
By now Steve's head was fully hidden in Buckys top and the side of his face was pressed against the others chest. Although he wasn't to happy about sharing his clothing, whilst he was still in it, the drunk man looked adorable so he snaked his arms around and held him.
He could hear the man giggling so looked down to see him watching through the head hole. "What are you laughing at".
"Your cute".
That made the brunette blush and mumble "shut up".
"Buchanon, it's your turn" spoke Tony. "I dare you to drink Thors Asguardian liquor"
Bucky wanted to hit that smug smile off his face, "seriously? No way, no one will look after Steve"
"I don't need looking after!" He shouted still under the shirt. "You should have some it makes everything so much more fun".
"If you get drunk me and Nat will make sure this one's safe" said Wanda pointing to Steve.
"Urrrgg fine! Give me the bottle".

It was now back to Sarah who got to ask someone a question. "Ok y/n tell me a fact about you that I don't know".
You thought for a minute unsure of what to say. You had a lot she didn't know but it was hard picking out what you were actually allowed to say.
"ok I've got one, these guys know but you don't so, I have two dads".
"Oh cool I didn't know that, obviously or you wouldn't have said it. Can I ask you another question that you don't have to answer?"
"Of course, ask as many as you want"
"So are you adopted?"
"Um no it's more of a surrogacy type situation"
"Oh so do you have a mum or is it just your dads?"
"No I don't have a biological mum she.. uh.... died but I didn't know her anyway".
"Oh I'm sorry" Sarah said giving me a smile.
"It's fine it's really fun having two dads"
"Wow" she said, "I don't know that much about any of you"

Peter joined in, "well we can tell you stuff about us, cooper do you want to go first?"
"Sure! Ok Um ooh I've got one, I REALLY hate archery" everyone chuckled but Sarah just looked confused so Lila explained. "Our dad is obsessed with archery and he's pretty good at it. Seeing as cooper was so unhelpful I'll tell you some stuff. Me and cooper live with our little brother Nathaniel and our mum. Our dad to but he works away like half of every week. He works with y/n's dads actually".
"Oh what do they all do".
Lila turned to you for help so you slowly spoke, "it's a form of law enforcement".
"Wow that's interesting, Peter do your parents not work with them?"
Peter gave a gentle smile, "no my parents died when I was four. Their plane crashed so my aunt May and these guys parents look after me. May is not built for law enforcement" he chuckled.
"Oh sorry, my dad died to". She said gently.
"He did?" You asked
"Yea one day some people with guns came into the city so we were running away, but one turned to us and started shooting. My dad ran in front and shielded us from the bullets. We got away but he died".
Everyone sat envisioning it happening. "You had to watch?" Lila asks sadly.
"Yea but I was only around three so luckily I don't remember much".
No one said anything, but the mood wasn't sad. It felt like you were all a lot closer than an hour ago.
Pete was the first to speak, with slight humour in his voice. "You know what I've just realised? We almost have as many dead parents as we do alive between us".
For some reason everyone laughed and Sarah gasped out between breaths, "Peter that's so dark!"

At the compound everyone had, had a lot more to drink. Including Bucky. He was currently on Steve's back as he ran around the room as fast as he could.
"Oh god" muttered Wanda, "they're going to throw up everywhere in a minute".
Steve carried on spinning and jumping over things whilst the other held on tight, face bright red from laughing.
"Ok that's enough" interrupted Nat as she tried to pry the men apart. "If you're sick on this floor you're cleaning it up, and you do not want to be doing that tomorrow morning".
With grumbled protests Bucky got down and attached himself to one of Steve's legs.
"Oh for god sake, boys you're going to hurt yourselves".
It fell on deaf ears as Steve tried to walk around half dragging one of his legs. Bucky held on and buried his face still laughing as the other tried taking another step. He could barely walk without the extra weight after all the drinks so of course he only got a few metres before slamming to the floor. The noise was so loud Sam looked over about to help when everyone heard the two giggling to themselves.

Bucky sat up before diving on Steve which had now clearly turned into a wrestling match. Steve's arm was pinned in Buckys grasp as he leant away facing the others. All they saw was a hand slip around Buckys throat and pull him to the ground as he shrieked. They knew no one was hurt by the occasional laughs so they just continued their conversations.
After a while Tony, who had been half asleep for the last hour, mumbled something.
"What did you say?"
"I said they haven't made a noise for like ten minutes".
Everyone turned to the two men still on the floor so Nat went to investigate. They both had their eyes closed and their limbs were tangled together. She gave a gentle kick and Bucky groaned.
"Buckys asleep and I think Steve's passed out. He's still breathing" she shrugged. "Help me get them upstairs".
Tony was now also asleep and Thor had too much to drink so it was up to the others.
Sam shook Bucky awake with some  effort and half carried the man upstairs. Clint grabbed under Steve's arms and Nat grabbed his ankles and they dragged him up. Both men were placed on their bed and Wanda kindly put pain killers and water on the bedside table.
Everyone left and just as Wanda was about to leave she said, "Friday, can you please let me know if either needs any help"
"Of course miss Maximoff"
And she shut the door leaving the two happily to sleep.

Steve and Bucky's daughter y/nWhere stories live. Discover now