Part 5

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After these revelations, I took the little blonde head on my knees and hugged her when she asked me a question.

She: why daddy?

Me: why what?

She: why are you helping me?

Me: because I want to help you. Everyone has the right to be happy. And when I saw you in class, I saw that there was something wrong. Then I heard these girls say you didn't have a house. So I wanted to help you.

She stared in the void

She: but I'm a weight for you

Me: of course not. Stop thinking that you'll never be a burden to me, okay? Remove this idea from your head

She: Are you like Josiah?

I tense myself, but why this question?

Me: but why are you asking me this question? I will never be like him

I had said that almost only by shouting. I had scared my princess, she cried in silence.

Me: excuse me princess, I didn't want to yell at you. Hush calm down.

She: before Josiah he was kind like you and he screamed like you and then he became wicked

Me: listen to me, my sweetheart, I will never be like Josiah. I will never do whatever you don't want.

After this discussion, I decided to prepare the meal

Me: Cassia Do you want to watch a cartoon while I prepare food?

She: yesss, with nipple and panpan

Me: who is panpan?

She: but daddy you're nothing. Panpan is the rabbit blanket

She made me laugh

Me: of course you can watch TV with panpan and lollipop. What do you want to watch?

She: Pocahontas

Me: ok, but you stay here while I prepare to eat okay

She nodded. I put his film on him. Went to get her blanket, her paci and a blanket, gave her. And went to prepare the meal.

I prepared ground steak, puree and green beans for my princess and for me I say to warm up a remnant of lasagna.

While I was preparing food, I heard crying coming from the living room. So I turn off the gas and went to the living room.

Me: what is Cassia?

She: I have hurt to the tummy

She was crying hot for the weapon. I took her in my arm and landed on the couch. I put her in the same position as if I gave her a bottle.

Me: do you want to vomit?

She says no of the head.

Me: desire for Poop?

She: no

Me: how long have you been doing poop?

She: I don't know

Me: are we going to eat and then we'll see okay?

She: I'm not hungry

Me: then I'm going to make you a bottle.

I took Cassia and put her next door. I got up and went to prepare his bottle, I put laxatives dedant. And returned to the living room. I took Cassia in my arms and went to her room. I put myself in the rocking chair with my little blonde head on my knees and gave her the bottle. She drank only half of it

Me: Cassia, you have to drink all your bottle. Otherwise daddy, he will get angry.

She finishes her bottle.

Me: now it's time to go to sleep

She doesn't want to go to sleep. I'm a big girl. Not tired

Me: if you go to sleep, daddy he will be proud of you. Otherwise daddy he won't be happy. So what do you want to do?

She yawned and took her thumb in her mouth

Me: I thought you weren't tired?

I say a kiss on her forehead, put her in her bed, put her in her sleeping bag

I say a kiss on her forehead, put her in her bed, put her in her sleeping bag

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Lit the night light, closed the shutters. And I went away leaving the door between open and taking the baby phone.

I was going to start eating when Aria called me

Iris: hi Kay, how are you?

Me: are you okay?

She: great and Cassia?

Me: I think she's sleeping Otherwise it's okay.

She: Did you set rules with Her?

Me: I didn't intend to do it this afternoon yet

She: ok, see you later, I have to go

She hung me up in the nose as She had become accustomed to doing lately.

I'm finishing eating and went to watch TV. When I heard Cassia crying in the baby phone. I turned off the TV and went up to her room. I opened the shutters a little so that I could see her and get her out of bed. But she didn't stop crying, she was also giggling

I'm sitting on the chair

Me: Cassia, calm down, what's going on?

She: I'm... a big girl, for...sorry.

Me: don't apologize, you didn't do anything. Tell me exactly what's going on.

She: pooping...sleat...not

Me: chut princess it's normal, chut daddy is very proud of you. It's normal for a baby like you to make poop in her diaper. Now we're going to change this ugly layer of agreement?

She nodded her head

I put it on the changing table. Cleaned what was to clean. And put back a new layer.

Me: here is a clean baby. Go dry me his tears. Daddy is proud of you. You went to sleep for 2 hours and in addition your poop. And do you still have pain in the tummy?

She: no longer bobo

Me: come on, let's go to the games room.

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