Y/N's Ability explanation

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To not ruin the rest of the book, I'm not giving anymore spoiler then the previous 1-6 chapters. Everything said here could be found or assumed in earlier chapters.

Y/N's Appearance:

Height: 7'6"

Hair: Black

Eyes: ---

Clothes: Thick loose pants, Armor tunic, thick boots and usually paired with a cloak.

Note: Their beginning rebirths made them look different each time. Recent rebirths, they look mostly they same depending on certain aspects.


-Has memories from body that they have used.

-Has knowledge from multiple beings in past lives

-Has more stamina then the average person. (Seen when running from Mother Miranda)

-Carries abilities learned from past life's, (you'll see more of this in future chapters, it'll make more sense then)

Other information:

Glasses- As seen in chapter 6, it allows the person wearing them to see through walls, technology from another area of the world closed off from the rest. They do more but no spoilers.
(The story in how they glasses were gotten is amusing to y/n)

Pigeon story- This actually happened to me and I stand by it all they way, I hate Pigeons whole heartedly. The full story well be revealed in future chapters.

If I seemed to have missed something, forgot something, or you just have a question about something, let me know and I'll explain it!

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