Chapter 6

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(Graphic violence warning)

Laughing to myself, I pace back and forth in the cell I was thrown in hours before.

Tapping on the side of my fancy new glasses, I look around and see the lady of the castle arguing on the phone with someone. Shrugging, I using my thumb and index finger and zoom in for a closer view.

"Come collect em Mother Miranda, and leave my daughters alone!" Alcine shouts into the phone.

There's a pause before The lady slams the phone onto the receiver.

Zooming out, I look around more to see a swarm of flies coming done to the cellar. Tapping the side of my glasses, I look towards the cell door and wait.

Soon, a swarm of bugs appear on the other side of the bars, forming into a Cassandra.

"Why hello." I say with a deep bow. "How may I be of service to you ma'am?"

"Would that man really have killed us?" She asks quietly as she hold onto the bars.

"Why else would Bird lady send him through here?" I snicker at her.

"Mother Miranda sent him?!" She shouts.

"Well, duh? Why else would he be after a vile of a piece of his...unconscious child, that Chicken legs had your mother hold onto?" Chuckling and shaking my head, I walk up to the bars infront of her. "You know, do to this...curse? Blessing? However you wish to see this, I can't lie to you, can't hurt you, can't even stay dead as long as your alive. So you and the people your around are stuck with me, bc you can't die with me around." I laugh.

"So, I'm invincible? What if I were to run outside right now, in the snow storm. Your stuck in here, unable to get to me." She snarks back.

"I'd be teleported out of the cell and to you, like the window incident long ago was that?" Shaking my head. "Why are you down here anyway? Just to ask if the man would have murdered you all?"

"No...I want to know more about... before I became this." She mutters.

Laughter fills the silence after a few minutes pass. "You were very much the same but different." I say between laughter.

"You weren't the most sane but you were you, you were the most outgoing, kind and loving girl I ever knew, but at the same time, you were deadly, wild and mean. You were an outcast in the village when I arrived. I found you in a fist fight with one of the farm boys and to my surprise, you were winning." I chuckle at that. "After that I'd watch you from afar, you'd go out hunting with your father and brothers and go shopping with your mother. You weren't like most other girls I met who were your age." I glance at her as I continue, a expression of awe on her face.

"You weren't like the girls who thought hunting and fighting and learning was just for the boys, but you also weren't like the boys that thought they were meant to be the toughest and strongest around. You were you, and I fell for that." I laugh quietly.

"I- I don't know what to say..." Cassandra asks after awhile in silence.

"Well, you don't have to say anything since your mother and chicken legs are listening in down the hallway. " Laughing as Cassandra snapped her head in there direction in surprise.

Bird lady and Alcine come into view soon after, one with a glare the other with a soft expression.

"Why do you have to go out of your way to insult me?"  Bird lady growls out.

"Makes life more amusing." I laugh out, "Do I get to leave the cell now?"

"Cassandra, go retrieve the keys to get them out." The lady of the castle commands.

"No No, allow me." I laugh as I took a piece of wire out of my pocket and picked the lock and walked out, standing infront of three surprised girls.

"If you could leave this cell the whole time,  why didn't you?" Alcine asks in surprise.

"Eh, then you'd throw me into places that get progressively harder to get out of." I shrug. "Now what's the plan? Planning on cutting my skull open, pulling out my brain and sticking in needles of variety sizes and chemicals to see what happens? Or is torture gonna happen? Slicing down my arms and face, using a wire scrub brush to tear my flesh apart until all bloody then dump bleach over me, burning all the cuts that you just created, burning my eyes out, to where I go blind?"

The three stare at me for a moment before Cass starts cackling. "That's fucking sick." She says between laughter.

"I have no words." The lady of the castle says with a slight smirk.

"For my sanity, I won't question it." Bird lady shakes her head before continuing. "Your coming with me, back to my...lab for questioning. Thank you Alcine dear, I hope that Ethan Winters fellow didn't cause to much damage." She says before grabbing me and flashing us into her kitchen, back at her place.

"Wow." I stumbled forward before Bird lady grabs hold of my waist, catching me. "Geez, don't do that. It's worse then being teleported to Cassandra." I complain.

"It's not that bad." Bird lady says from behind me, hands still on my hips.

"Why you still holding onto me, let me go chicken wings!" I shout as I grab hold of her hands that refuse to leave my hips, instead they bring my back to the front of the owners and wrap around my stomach.

"You shouldn't continue to insult me or you'll end up like last time." She hisses into my ear.

"What are you, cat? I thought you where a Robin? And your gonna have to wait another 30 years for me to come back if you kill me again!" I laugh as I try to pull out of her hold. "Let me go would you? What happened to the interrogation I was promised!"

"Your insufferable." She huffs before picking me up bridle style and bringing me into a room and throwing me on a bed. "Go to sleep, I know Winters exhausted you out today. I'll question you when you wake." She says as she walks to the door.

"Ight, but don't complain if I wake up crabby." I mutter before climbing under the covers and dozing off.

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