Chapter 1

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Mother Miranda's Pov


Name: Harris Golding
Age: 25
Gender: Male?
Health before: Above average
Health after: Deceased
Status: Failed

'Another fail, no closer to getting my Eva back. I'll just have to try again.'

Walking over to the body, I look it over once more before picking it up and carrying it out the door to throw it out with the others.

As I make it to the living area, I take in the disgusting man's features once more, to notice the seem different then before. Pausing in my step, I take a closer look and notice that the cheeks seem to become more noticeable, the eyes changing shape, chin becoming more feminine but still sharp. The hair starts to grow and change from its light brown to a black. When the body starts growing bigger, I sit it on the rug in the middle.

I watch as the once man, about 5'8" in height, a 7 foot tall feminine person. After what seems like hours but was most closer to minutes, the changes stop and everything seems to still as I watch on.

This was very different from the rest of the experiments, this has to be something to help get closer to bringing my Eva back.

Suddenly a intake of breath is heard as the person opens their eyes and sits up, looking around. When they're eyes spot me, they stare for a moment.

"So you've had the luck of reviving me this time bird lady?"

Y/n Pov

After watching the lady in the bird mask, I can't help but make a comment on the situation.

Immediately, she's infront of me, looking me over. "What do you mean revive, what do you remember?"

Standing up so I come almost face to face with her being a tad shorter, I give the place a once around before responding. "If you mean the man, whos life you just took, granting me the chance to steal his body, before he past out and died, you injected him with this greenish brown junk that caused him to get sick everywhere, coughing up blood with internal bleeding which was what caused him to die, then that."

"What are you." Bird lady asks next, looking at my eyes then looking away.

"You know what, I'm not sure." I say resting my hand on my chin. "I've tried to figure out the last times I've been resurrected, but I usually get murdered in the next month or so afterwards by the person that provides the body of my resurrect."

I pause for a moment then look at the bird lady who seems almost confused at the events that are happening. "Say, you don't plan on killing me right away, right? The abyss is pretty boring. "

"I have no plan on killing you in the immediate time, no. I do plan on studying you thou." She states plainly.

"To revive your daughter, right?" Quickly, I'm pushed against a wall with her talons around my throat and face close to mine.

"What do you know about my daughter." She shouts loudly.

"Calm down Birdy, I have the memories from the body I know posses." I chuckle in amusement. "You mumbled about it multiple times as the guy was stuck in the cell you left him in."

She stares at my eyes, still really close to my face, before she shakes her head and steps back.

"Say, what do I look like this time? You seem to have a obsession with my eyes so they must be decent. Got a mirror around here?" She seems puzzled but gestures for me to follow.

She leads me to a bathroom that has a full body mirror that I step in front of. Looking at my black hair and bright purple eyes, I see that I have the same look as the last two times I've been relifed. Must be permanent this time.

Looking at the clothes that are very turn form weeks in that cell the dude had to deal with, I look towards Birdy and ask if I can borrow some clothes and the shower.

"I'll answer your questions afterwards cause I'm sure you have some." I add before she leaves for the clothes and I jumped in her shower.

By the time I'm dressed into the clothes she left on the counter and walk out of the bathroom, I hear her shout from another room, letting me know where to go.

Walking into what appears to be a kitchen, I sit on a stool at a bar she gestures to as she sits a bowl of food in front of me.

She sits across from and looks at me as I take a spoon full and eat it before she asks her first question.

"So you've been through this a few times at least, how many would you say?"

I eat another spoon full before replying. "At least 15 but I'd expect it to be a lot higher. It all kinda merges together."

"How old would you say your concise be?" She asks as she stares at me some more.

"Well, I was born in over a hundred, at least one of the last times I was resurrected, idk what the year is now." I saw after I swallow another mouthful.

"Whats your name?" Before she can finish her question, everything blurs and when my vision clears, I'm in a hallway, infront of a shattered window where a girl in a cloak shreaks and bends down, wrapping her arms around herself and a guy with a gun jumps through the window.

Acting quickly, I run over to the guy before he rights himself and grab the knife attached to his belt and slice his throat. I proceed to run to the girl, collect her in my arms and run out of the room, running to where I see a flickering light, hoping it was a fireplace.

Seeing I was right, I take off the jacket I was given to by bird lady and wrap it around the girl as I hold her and sit infront of the fire.

She moves closer to me, in my lap, as someone bangs into the room.

"CASSANDRA!" A really load voice shouts as another somebody ducks into the room after another.

"M-Mother." The girl in my arms stutters out.

"WHY DO YOU HAVE MY DAUGHTER. " The voice rings out as I look over to see a tall lady, taller then my 7 feet, walk over threatening with long claws coming out of her hands.

"Calm down ma'am, you try to hurt me and your risking your daughters saftey right now. She to cold for me to let go of her or she might possibly crystallize. If you Calm yourself down, we might be a to have a civilized talk." I speak calmly, still holding Cassandra.

"If you weren't right about hurting my daughter, I'd slice your head off right now, but be as it may, explain yourself." She says as she retracts her claws and walks behind me, peering at the girl in my lap, with 2 other girls behind her.

"Well ma'am, a hunter I'd assume, broke a window in the hallway as you might have seen, and as you might recognize me when I tell you this next part, I was with bird lady before I teleported infront of the window, killed the man, and brought Cassandra here." I say calmly but quickly.

"Oh, and it's good to see you once again, Lady Dimitrescu."

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