Chapter 3

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The night after saving Cassandra, The Lady of the castle had escorted me to my room and that's where I've stayed tell now. Dinner having past with me pacing the room.

'Bird lady is gonna be looking for me, that I'm sure of, I did just disappear on her, but how long is it gonna take her to find me.'

I continue to pace until someone barges in the door, slamming it behind them. They breathe heavily as they lean against the door.

"Can I help you with something?" They jump, finally taking in where they are.

"You've got to help me! Their gonna kill me when they catch up!" They plead as they hold on to me roughly.

"Who? And why should I care?" I raise a brow as the girl hyperventilate.

"Please! I'll do anything!" She gets cut off as the door slams open to a angry Daniela. The girl runs behind me to hide as Daniela stalks over.

"Hand me the girl Y/N..." Daniela says threatening as she stands in front of me.


"Because I said so, hand her over before I force you to." She snarls.

"Why?" I ask again.

Daniela snarls loader, reaching for my left arm. "Last chance Y/N, I really don't want to hurt you."

"....Why?" I hold back my smirk as I take a hold on the girl behind me as Daniela flings me against a wall. I hold the girl to my stomach, making sure she doesn't get hurt as we slam into a painting that was there.

"Give her to me!?" Daniela yells, stalking towards us again as I stand to put the girl behind me again.

"Why?" I repeat for the fourth time, seemingly to further aggravate the snarling girl.

She turns into her swarm, quickly closing distance as I turn to wrap my arms and cloak around the shaking girl. Flies bite at my now bare skin, drawing blood as they go, the bites steadily getting worse the longer it takes for it to get to the covered girl.

Load footsteps can be heard making there way to the room as flies start to crawl under my turn skin, noticeable moving from looking at the outside.

The lady of the castle ducks into the room and quickly takes in the scene, seeing a cloaked figure and another turn up figure that she quickly finds out is Y/N from the smell of the spilt blood, she quickly walks over. "Daniela, this is enough!"

The flies quickly leave the two as Daniela forms back together by the entrance to the room.

"What has happened here, explain immediately. " Lady Dimitrescu snarls as she sees how bad you look.

"They wouldn't hand over the girl!" Daniela shouts out, buzzing can be heard from her direction.

You turn your attention to the girl shaking under your cloak as you stand up slowly, bringing her up with you. You ignore the girls as you unwrap the one infront of you.

You check the shaking woman over for any serious injuries besides the nicks and scratches she's received before giving her a small smile and wrapping the cloak around her shoulders.

Turning around to face the lady and her daughter, the girl wrapped under my arm, I check over Daniela to see if she has any serious wounds from the scrabble.

"Daniela, are you okay? No flies where wounded where they?" I interrupt Lady Dimitrescu's shouting.

"I...I'm fine." Daniela says slowly, seemingly confused.

"Good, good. I'm going to take this lady to her room to rest for the night. Then I'm coming back and taking a shower and going to bed. If this girl is dead by the time I wake, I well not be afraid to fight one of yous." I walk to the door with the girl under my arm.

I turn back to look at them one last time, "Good night." I nod my head and walk out with the girl towards the maids quarters.

I wake up to the sun shining in my face. Groaning and dropping my arm over my face, I hear a chuckle from above me.

Peaking under my arm to see Bird lady straddling me in her priestess cloths, I groan again and cover my eyes again.

"What do you want? And why are you on me?" I grumble half-heartedly.

"I've been looking for you since you disappeared yesterday morning, imagine my surprise when I find you in Dimitrescu's castle, alive but torn to shreads." She says from above.

"Have you just been sitting on me as I was asleep? Kinda creepy ma'am." I snicker at her shocked face as I push her of me and onto the bed as I stand up and walk to the closet.

"If you were anyone else, I'd have killed you for that, but know you'd come back, it's a waste of effort. " Bird lady says as she stand up, off the bed.

"Yeah yeah, if you'd mind, I need to change so if you don't mind leaving for a few minutes at least, it'll be appreciated." I mutter from the closet.

When I hear her huff and close the door behind her, I strip out of my pajamas and throw on a pair of thick, loose pants, a thick Armour like tunic and a black cloak.

Walking out the door to where Bird lady waits, I roll my eyes and walk down to the dining room with her following behind.

Walking into the dining room where the girls wait, I sit in the seat I sat in yesterday for lunch with Bird lady sitting beside me.

"Geez, Dani got you good, didn't she?" Cassandra snickered as she takes in my stabbed over skin.

"So that's who did this?" I hear Miranda mutter.

"Mother Miranda, what are you doing here if you don't mind me asking?" Bela asks with a slightly tilted head.

"Your this Miranda chick they've talked about..." I questioned, "That explains a few memories...I'm still calling you Bird lady"

"For Y/N here Bela dear, and I don't expect anything less from you." She says the last part glaring at me.

I lean over the table to Daniela, who's been silent the whole time, and whispered loudly, "The chicken seems mad, what do you think?"

Miranda pulls me back by the cloak and growls as Daniela giggles slightly.

"I am NOT a chicken." Bird lady growls out, still holding my cloak.

I stay silent until she let's my cloak go before asking, "Do you cluck?"

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