Chapter Five

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Third Person Pov.

Everybody just kind of stood there awkwardly until Yui broke the silence.

"Ummm...Subaru, who is that?" Subaru sighed and Yukihime pulled away to face every one, but quickly decided to hide and poke her head out from behind Subaru's back. He reached back and grasped her hand, trying to comfort her, knowing how shy she can get around many new people.

"Subaru, are they the other ones Karl was talking about?" She asked, the brothers ears perking up at the name of their father, making them even more curious about the beautiful girl standing in front of them, well sort of in front.

"Yeah. These are my brothers, and the girl is Yui." Subaru replied to the girl kindly, further shocking the group in front of the two.

Brothers (minus Subaru) Pov.

He was kind to her. WTF!?! But wow she's stunning... where did he find her? She smells like a vampire, but it smells like she has fresh blood running through her veins. But what I'm really curious about, is she said Karl. Was she talking about him? Who is this girl?

Yui Pov.

She smells strange. Like a mix of vampire and human....weird. But she is really cute! I hope Ayato doesn't start liking her instead. She seems nice to, and Subaru seems happier around her. Maybe that's where he's been going recently! To visit her!

Third Person Pov.

Yukihime suddenly straightened up, and ran past everyone to a man, who until know no one had noticed.

"Yukihime!" exclaimed Subaru as she ran out from behind him, hair flowing behind her. She stopped in front of the man, and everyone looked at him. It was none other than Karl Heinz.

"Karl... Gomen. I left my room." Yukihime (everyone now knows her name) said, looking down in shame. He closed his eyes and started to raise his hand. Everyone gasped, thinking he would hit her. But instead, he patted her head, and smiled.

"It's fine, my little princess(A/N hime means princess)." He said, opening his eyes. She looked up and gave a big smile to him, giggling. "You are free to come here whenever you wish, but don't go into public unless Subaru or I are with you, okay?"

"Hai!" she responded cheerfully. Everyone turned to the call of an owl. Aoi swooped down toward Yukihime, who raised her arm like a landing post.

"Is something wrong, Aoi?" Yukihime asked the owl. Everyone but Karl Heinz looked at her like she was mental.

"Hello, Aoi." Said Karl. The stare moved to him until the owl was surrounded by a snow wall. When the snow disappeared, a young girl stood in it's place. (See pic up top) She had white hair and blue eyes, and looked younger than Yukihime.

"Hello, Karl-san. It's nice to see you again." the girl said, bowing to him. She turned to Yukihime with a pout. "Yu-chan! Don't just up and disappear on me! You scared me!"

"Hehehe...sorry Aoi." Yukihime said, scratching her cheek guiltily.

"The OWL?!?!?" everyone else screamed. The three turned to the group.

"No, the crayon!" Aoi stated sarcastically, making the other two chuckle.

"Ah...a guardian spirit, I presume then." Reiji McKnowsItAll stated rather than asked.

"Yes. It's nice to know someone knows about us." Aoi sighed.

"Hey Aoi," started Yukihime. "Why are you in your child form?" Aoi pointed at the triplets.

"I've been watching over this place for a few months, and the main reason is those three." She pointed to Laito. "He should be a registered sex offender." Subaru, Reiji, Ayato, Kanato, Karl and Shuu tried not to laugh. She moved on to Kanato. "This one probably has a few screws loose. He talks to his teddy bear." Again, they tried not to laugh, but Laito instead of Kanato. She pointed to Ayato. Everyone waited to see what she had come up with. "This...thing is too effed up to pin-point any single thing. But for starters, he should be locked up in a high security mental ward for the rest of his life." She looked at Yui. "Be careful, young one. Your in for one h*ll of a ride." Everyone but Ayato laughed.

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