Chapter 5; Hogwarts Express

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Hadrian and Wednesday dragged their matching ragged, faded, slightly rotted trunks. Gomez and Morticia one had them. They were both made of enchantedly durable wood, but the cloth covering the wood was ripping in places. They were both black with Addams magically emboldened on the lid in silver lettering on Wednesday's and gold on Hadrian's.

Morticia - "Pugsley, grab on to your uncle. Wednesday and Hadrian with your father. Grandmama, Thing, and Lurch with me."

Morticia was naturally more gifted with apparition then Gomez and Fester put together. The two youngest had their trunks shrunken and in their pockets as they held on tightly to Gomez and each other. They both had a distinct hatred for apparition. Once they reached the platform, Gomez gave his youngest some ginger ale to soothe their queasy stomachs. Pugsley was already near the train talking to his friends Fred and George Weasley.

Gomez - "Go put your bags on the train. Do you have your carry on with you?"

Hadrian gave a weak, but proud grin and held up his briefcase, aka portable potion store room and an organized space for his quills, his art equipment, parchment, and notebooks. Wednesday did the same, but her carry on was an old, lumpy Plague Doctor bag. It was passed down through generations leading all the way back to their Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Uncle twice removed, Uncle Edmundo Addams. 

Gomez - "Great, if you need my assistance, just hollar."

Hadrian held Wednesday's hand as they dragged their now enlarged trunks to the baggage car with their father walking behind them.

George - "Hey George look, firsties!"

Fred - "Why, I can't believe me peepers Freddie! Welcome to the Hogwart Express tiny ones!"

Pugsley told them about his friends, but he wasn't allowed to bring them over because of their mother. 

Wednesday - "Salutations, Weasley Twins."

Pugsley smiled at Wednesday, giving her a thumbs up.

Pugsley - "Fred, George, this is my little sister and brother. Wednesday and Hadrian."

Hadrian hid slightly behind Wednesday and gave them a wave. He then tugged on Wednesday's sleeve, gesturing to the trunks.

Wednesday - "Pugsley, lift Hadrian and my trunks in the car."

Pugsley - "No problem. Freddy, wanna help?"

George - "Sure!"

Fred sat by the two eleven year olds as his twin brother and friend hefted the trunks safely into the train car.

Fred - "Hey, did you know Hazel Potter is supposed to be in your year?"

Wednesday - "We are well aware. Please leave that particular subject alone. It is a touchy subject for us."

Fred - "Okay?"

Pugsley - "Fred, come here!"

Fred quickly ran over to Pugsley and Wednesday rubbed Hadrian's back.

Wednesday - "Fret not brother. You are Hadrian and no one will change that."

Hadrian - "I'm okay."

Hadrian took swig of his ginger ale and was led onto the train by Wednesday. Pugsley was still say his farewells to everyone. Hadrian waved at them through the window.

Wednesday - "Hadrian, would you care for any candy?"

Hadrian - "Blood pop."

Wednesday - "Alright, I will get you one when the candy cart comes down."

Wednesday had her eyes closed petting Hadrian silky smooth hair. Hadrian, the potion minded boy, way laying on the seat with his head in Wednesday's lap reading Advanced Potion Making. Their door slid open to show a timid red headed boy. He completely ignored Hadrian's presence to speak to Wednesday.

"Um, can I sit here? Everywhere else is full."

Wednesday - "I don't care. Hadrian?"

He cast a small smile and pointed to the seat across from them.

Ron - "Thanks. I'm Ron, Ron Weasley."

Wednesday - "Wednesday and Hadrian Addams."

After hearing their names, he grew annoyed.

Ron - "So your not Hazel Potter?"

Wednesday - "No. What gave you such a stupid idea?"

Ron - "She's supposed to be my betrothed. So I have to find her."

He angrily stormed out of the room, just as the trolley lady walked by.

"Anything from the trolley dears?"

Wednesday - "A blood pop, a box of Bertie Botts, and some black licorice wands, please."

Hadrian and Wednesday ate their sweets in silence and shared the jelly beans.

Wednesday - "Hadrian, do you know what that boy was talking about?"

Hadrian shook his head and gestured toward his hair.

Wednesday - "I agree. The red hair is the same, so he is Fred and George's younger brother. For now we shall ignore him, but be on your guard. You never know what could happen."

Hadrian agreed and gnawed on his blood pop 

Hadrian smiled brightly and took out his spell cache.

Wednesday - "Are you going to store some spells?"

Hadrian nodded and took out his wand. He mainly store defensive and healing spells and Wednesday stored some more dangerous offensive curses and hexes. They spent at least an hour storing away some basic charms until a bushy, brown haired girl shoved the door open.

Hermione - "Hello, have you seen a toad? A boy named Phil lost one. Oh, your doing magic? Let's see then."

Wednesday - "Hadrian; summoning charm."

Hadrian flicked his wand and a boy their age, crashed face first into the door.

Wednesday - "What is the name of your toad?"

Phil - "T-Trevor."

Wednesday flicked her wand and a lumpy brown toad zoomed past everyone into Hadrian's outstretched hand. He reluctantly hand the toad to Neville and laid back down on the seat, placing his head in Wednesday's lap once again. The girl sat across from them and the boy left them quickly.

Hermione - "Your accent, are you American?"

Wednesday - "Yes. We are from Westfield, New Jersey."

Hermione - "Woah, was it nice there?"

Wednesday - "It's always cloudy and rainy most of the time."

Wednesday pet her sleepy brother's hair.

Hermione - "Is he okay?"

Wednesday - "Pardon?"

Hermione - "I don't mean to pry, but he looks like he's having a nightmare."

Wednesday snapped her head down. To the bushy haired girl, Hadrian was shaking and whimpering. Wednesday knew better. He was trembling and giggling softly.

"He's fine. He's having a good dream. It would be wise not to wake him."

She didn't look convinced, but she got up and left shortly after. Wednesday didn't like her, but she didn't dislike her either. Hadrian rolled around and pressed his face into her stomach.

Wednesday - "No matter what Hogwarts throws at us, I will always be there to protect you little brother. Always."

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1059 words

I love the last line! 

Revised 11/04/2023, 12:20 PM

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