Chapter 2: Step Two

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Disclaimer:  See Chapter 1


Before Ryosuke knew it, an hour went by and one by one Arioka's rambunctious students bid their goodbyes

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Before Ryosuke knew it, an hour went by and one by one Arioka's rambunctious students bid their goodbyes.

"Sorry for the wait," said Arioka as he returned to where Ryosuke sat. He took a water bottle from his bag and wiped his sweaty face with a hand towel.   

"They're good," praised Ryosuke. "Your student, I mean."

"Yeah? Thanks! Some of them have a bit of an attitude though. Always messing up the steps intentionally," Arioka lamented. 

"I saw them," Ryosuke agreed. "But you handled them well. I think they respect you a lot."

"Really? I just think that they love being difficult because I get bullied easily," he admitted with a sheepish laugh. 

Ryosuke nodded his head. "Hmmm... maybe a bit," he joked as he couldn't help but tease the dance instructor. 

"See? Even you bully me even though we've just met a few days ago," Arioka complained in a cute whiney voice like an injured dog, making Ryosuke want to pat him on the head. He didn't know how old Arioka was but right now he didn't look that much older compared to his students. 

"Because right now you just look like those two whiny brat students," Ryosuke teased him, laughing heartily at Arioka's indignant expression of being called whiny while a small voice in his head whispered kawai, which surprised him. 

They talked about many things. Arioka told him about his experience in teaching dance classes while Ryosuke told him about his experience in failing many dance auditions. Ryosuke even found out that Arioka was five years older than him, which of course was another surprise considering his youthful and babyface look. 

"I thought Arioka-san is younger, you know, like thirteen years old," Ryosuke teased him. 

"Stop it! My students are thirteen. I'm thirty-one," Arioka replied. "And you can call me Dai-chan. You're not my student, so you don't have to call me by my surname." 

"Eh really?" Ryosuke asked again as he was feeling bad to call someone he just met that casually but Arioka seemed serious so he relented. "Then I'll call you Dai-chan if you call me Ryosuke." 

"Deal!" Arioka agreed, grinning widely. The more Ryosuke stared at his contagious cheerful smile, the more he thought that the name 'Dai-chan' suited him well. "You know I'm curious," Arioka ...(err...the author had an inner turmoil so Arioka will be written as Daiki from now on 🤣) added after a while. "You said Storm rejected you right? Would you show me then?" 

"Eh? You want to see my dance?" repeated Ryosuke. "No, no, no,... I can't show you. I'm embarrassed. You've taught idol groups. I can't possibly be compared to them. Even your kid students are amazing!" 

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