Brace for Impact

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Matilda, Ginny, and Luna hurried through the corridors of Hogwarts, listening to the distant sound of muffled, thunder-like booms in the distance that Matilda did not want to see a visual of. 

She knew that Voldemort and his followers were surely an incoming threat now... she had spotted Professors and other staff on the grounds, pointing their wands to the sky where they were casting shield spells around the castle. But those shields could only last so long. Hence, the thundering threats of the enemy attempting to break them down.

She didn't have much time. 

"Only two more Horcruxes," Ginny said as they skidded around a corner. "Right?"

"Right," Matilda nodded confidently. 

"I do think one of them is the snake," Luna said. 

"Then what's the other one?" Ginny asked. 

Matilda gulped, for the question was quite frightening when they had no hints as to what the answer was and not much time to find out. 

"Let's just see where we're at with time," Matilda huffed as they descended a set of stairs to a lower level. "Maybe McGonagall will know how long we have."

"Based on what I'm hearing..." Ginny replied, referring to the booms in the distance, "...I'm gonna say not long."

The girls made their way down to the ground level where the majority of people were; running around, asking how to help, or comforting the younger kids. Seeing everyone all together, still determined to defend their home and their friends, even in such desperation and panic, offered a warm feeling to Matilda... only to be followed by her guilt that the war had all been brought here. 

Because he was looking for her.

On their way out to the courtyard, Fred, George, and Eloise were running back inside, Eloise with her hair pinned up, Fred by her side with his wand out, and George already sporting a few smudges of dirt along his jaw. 

"Tillie," George stopped them on the way out. "Hangin' in there?"

"One more Horcrux down," Matilda replied. 

"So only two left?" Eloise asked. Matilda nodded. 

"We think it's this snake," Ginny explained. "Apparently Voldemort's always got one at his side, and... we think it's one of the remaining Horcruxes left."

"Great," Fred scoffed. "What a convenient thing to take out... a giant snake next to Voldemort himself."

"How's it looking out there?" Matilda asked, nodding to the courtyard past them. 

George gulped. "Shields are up, but... they're trying to get in. The bridge is down."

"Harry and Seamus broke it off?" Matilda asked, eyebrows raised.

"Appears to be." Fred smiled a little. "The two bastards came stumbling out with about a dozen bruises and ash all over their faces, but... it's down, alright. That should buy us some time."

Matilda felt pride wash over her at the thought of her boyfriend running across the bridge as it was crumbling into dust behind him... all that risk for her... for everyone. 

But there was no time to relish in it. "Be careful out there, you three."

Fred, George, and Eloise all nodded. Fred twirled his wand.

"See you on the other side," he grinned. 

And they were off again, leaving the trio of girls to themselves once more, and they started forward towards the courtyard before suddenly, Matilda crumbled onto her knees.

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