Yuri smiled back at her. "Hey, do you want to go shopping today?" She decided to change the topic. "We can go to some of my favorite clothing stores. I'll help you choose some cute outfits." The fox was very excited at the idea of a female shopping buddy.

"Oh, Ki Yuri, that would be wonderful."

Lee Rang watched her, not understanding the burning anger he felt just knowing that she had to endure more from that idiotic human than he thought. He decided right then that he wasn't going to let her go after she got back on her feet. He would help her figure out who she is.

"Do you want to come with us, Lee Rang?"

He looked the wolf in her eyes, they shone with excitement and for some reason he couldn't say no. "Sure."

Yuri gave him a look of surprise. She knows how much he despises shopping with her. It's an all day event. She covered her smile and took another bite of her food. There were many thoughts going up in her head for the day - somehow she'd get them alone together. She could feel a connection between them ever since the first night.

Breakfast was cleaned up quickly and Yuri dragged Eun-ji into her room to help pick out an outfit to borrow and to help with her make up. The bruise on the wolf's cheek was starting to turn a greenish-yellow, a sign of healing but it was rough to look at. The fox was dragging the make-up brush across the wolf's cheek and smiled. "Eun-ji, you're so pretty."

"Huh? Oh," The woman blushed a little bit. "I am definitely not."

Yuri's smile fell into a frown. "Whoever told you that you're not is an idiot. Who was it? I should hunt them down and teach them a lesson."

Eun-ji nervously laughed. "It's okay Yuri. I know I'm not pretty. Kyong helped me realize that."

Yuri felt furious, gripping the make-up brush tightly in her fist. "What do you mean, he helped you realize that?"

The wolf looked at the floor. "We'd look in the mirror together and he'd help me find all my flaws."

"What flaws?" The fox was gritting her teeth.

"Um, being too fat is the big one. My skin is ugly, my hair isn't pretty, my eyes are too far apart, my hands aren't petite enough, my smile is terrible -"

"Stop!" Yuri couldn't listen to another terrible word come from the wolf's lips.

Eun-ji looked up at the other woman, who looked like she was about to go feral. "Oh, sorry. I know my voice is annoying too. It is the reason why I don't like to talk a whole bunch."

Yuri wrapped her arms around the wolf. "Noona, you don't actually believe those lies, do you?" She pulled back to look at her.

"They're not lies, Yuri. It's okay. I accepted it a while ago."

"No. I won't stand for it. I'm gonna show you just how pretty you are. It's gonna take a long time - I already know it, but you're going to see what I see when you look in the mirror. Let's start now. Look in the mirror and tell me one good thing about yourself."

Eun-ji turned toward the mirror in the room. She looked over the image of herself and thought for a long time. "I... I... hm... Yuri I don't see anything."

"Yes you do. See past his words. Your eyes are beautiful, let's start there. They're dark right now because you're gloomy but when you're smiling and laughing I noticed they lighten up to a honey color. They're so beautiful. They're not too far apart - he made that up. They're a perfect distance - the same distance as mine." The vixen pointed out. "Now I want you to look at yourself and say that you have beautiful eyes."

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