Chapter 12

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Trigger Warnings: Stripping of clothes, oral (both F and M receiving), small dirty talk, Rang getting his way, grinding, overstimulation

Rang was laying in his bed, Eun-ji curled around his body, her nose pressed into his neck and her fingers rested against the pulse point on his wrist. It was as if she was keeping track of his beating heart. She wasn't in a deep sleep, in fact anytime the fox shifted her eyes would snap open, fearing that something terrible was happening to him.

In those moments, despite the throbbing pain he felt coursing through his veins, he would whisper that everything was fine and press a kiss to her forehead or hand. She'd looked worriedly at him, trying to force herself to stay awake but he would lull her back to sleep with the tips of his fingers on his free hand.

"Thank you, Fox."

They had agreed to talk when he was feeling better but he really just wanted to get the discussion done and over with. The fox wasn't sure how the conversation would go, was she angry with him? Possibly, but right now she just seemed too worried to process any other emotion. He would have to let her know he was ready in the morning, which was only a few hours away.

He knew he shouldn't feel surprised that she figured out he was a fox. Things were getting messy and now that Imugi seemed to be using him in ways that were not agreed upon - he feared for Eun-ji. He knew she was pulled in by Eoduk Sini and he was worried what she would have to face next.

Rang looked over her body, she had some small injuries, thankfully nothing like he was going through. It still made him angry. Suddenly, another pain shot up his leg and he grit his teeth tightly to fight the urge to jerk from it. He didn't want to disturb Eun-ji anymore. He could tell she was exhausted and could only imagine what her brain was going through as she was learning all these new things about herself.

This wasn't the way he wanted to tell her about their world - but nothing could change it now. He noted she was still wearing the wolf and fox necklace he bought her. He felt his chest fill with something he never felt before. He knew deep down that he loved her. He finally admitted it to himself. He would do anything he could to protect her - even if he couldn't admit his feelings toward her.

Lee Rang wasn't sure what time it was anymore, but he laid there fading in and out of sleep until Eun-ji shifted as the sun started to peek through the cracked curtains. The wolf nuzzled into him before moaning in a stretch. Her eyes slowly cracked open to meet his own. Said eyes widened a little in surprise - apparently not expecting him to be staring back. "Morning Wolf." He whispered.

"Morning Fox."

He gave a weakened smile. "Do you want to talk now?"

Eun-ji frowned at him and thought for a moment. "I only want to talk when you're feeling better." She answered.

"I feel better." He lied.

She stared at him for a moment. "I highly doubt that. Is it your preference to just talk now? I just want you to rest." She spoke softly.

"I would prefer sooner than later."

"Okay." She bit her lower lip thinking about how she wanted to start. "You've always known I was a wolf." She watched him nod his head in agreement. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Would you have believed me?"

She shook her head immediately. She didn't even believe Lee Yeon at first. "Probably not at the beginning. Maybe after we started getting closer. You know that I trust you the most out of everyone I know, right?" She sat up on the bed, allowing him to shift upward as well. "Do you know who I really am?" The wolf was nervous for his answer, what if everything they went through was just another twisted joke to play on her? She twisted her fingers in her lap. She didn't want to think like that of Rang and her heart started to twist with the tiniest inkling of it being true.

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