Chapter 9

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There was a festival of sorts that Lee Rang invited Eun-ji to go to with him. Unfortunately, the wolf had to watch the hospital as Shin-Joo and Yuri had a "meeting" together. The canine was pretty sure it was more of a one sided date. Yuri seemed somewhat interested in her boss but also guarded, meanwhile Shin-Joo was excited for them to get together. He stated it was a thank you lunch for Yuri helping the stray puppy and wanted to get her to adopt the pooch. 

Eun-ji just nodded her head and let him believe what he wanted, plus maybe Yuri would be more into him after talking with him. The wolf wasn't blind Shin-Joo was not only a good man but handsome as well. If she had met him at a different time at life, maybe she would have flirted with him - but she was loyal to the man she thought she loved.

She sat at her desk, still switching the charts from paper files to electronic charts. There were no appointments today but she wanted to finish the charts in the next two shifts so she decided to dedicate a whole day to it. She probably would be having more fun with Lee Rang but she knew he also had some business to take care of at the festival. He was searching for a particular item but wouldn't tell her what it was exactly. He didn’t seem to want her to know his personal business and so she didn’t want to be caught in it. She had left him that morning in front of the coffee shop with a shy kiss on his cheek.

There had been a lot going on that week - true to his word Lee Rang started to find more about that man that Kyong was talking about. Yuri and her started doing some gentle yoga daily to start getting into better shape, not that Yuri needed it - she was as fit as could be. However, it was what Eun-ji needed to do before starting to train for self defense. She knew some basic things but Lee Rang wanted her to have some more advanced skill sets. Eun-ji slept better this week than any other week in her life, Rang was pressed against her back, nose in the crook of her neck and his arm hooked over her waist keeping her close. 

A whining noise sounded out from below her tearing her out of her thoughts. Pushing her chair back she peeked under her desk to the pooch curled at her feet. She couldn’t help the grin that appeared on her lips. "Hey pup, do you need a potty break?”

The puppy lifted his head from her shoes and tilted it to the side while the quick and loud thumping of a tail wagging could be heard. He made a little “yip” sound when she just stared at him for an extra moment. 

The wolf laughed at him. "Okay, let's go for a short walk."


Yuri stayed outside in her car waiting for Eun-ji to leave work, she had just gotten done with her meeting with Shin Joo. It went well, not that she would ever admit that. The food was great and he did most of the talking but she enjoyed listening to him. The fox turned her attention to the front doors of the Veterinary Hospital as her dear wolf friend stepped out. 

“Hurry up, you’re taking forever.” The vixen complained at the female who had turned her attention back to inside the hospital. 

“One moment.” She had yelled out before bending down and petting the yellow puppy goodbye. She ran her fingers through his fur and pressed a kiss to the tip of his nose. “Good night little one.” She turned back to the car to see Yuri giving her an unamused look. “What? He wanted some love before I left.” 

The Truth UntoldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora