Chapter 5

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Lee Rang woke from a peaceful night in his own bed. Over the past few weeks Eun-ji had been having nightmares on and off. He’d crawl through the mound of blankets and into her bed a few times a week, her limbs tangling with his. There was also a night of two where they slept on the couch, his head in her lap while her fingers ran through his hair. It wasn’t something that he hated, in fact he seemed to sleep even better than ever when he was closer to her. 

He could tell she was touch starved for some gentleness and affection. Often he found his fingers seeking her out; a hand on her lower back, offering his arm to her, grabbing her hand to guide her closer to him, guiding her face to look at him. He tried to keep calm around her. The few times he was annoyed with Lee Yeon he could see her flinch at the anger in his voice. At those moments she never knew what he was mad about, keeping his business hidden from her. She, unfortunately, would move slowly as if she made any noise he'd take it out on her. Which would never be the case. On those nights he'd give her extra attention when laying in bed, unspoken healing as his fingertips would dance across her skin. 

He expected he wouldn’t be comforting her at night much anymore. He recently found the Bulgasari that was living in the complex and feeding off everyone’s nightmares. Rang sent the creature to that woman’s job at the broadcasting station. He smirked at the thought as he rolled over and checked the time. 


The numbers glared an angry red color at him. He sluggishly moved his feet to the floor. Stretching, he could feel his muscles waking up, as he pushed himself off the bed. It didn't take him long to pick out clothes; black shirt and black pants. There were some things he needed to take care of today; preparation for future plans. 

Once he entered the kitchen he wasn’t surprised to see Mae Eun-ji making breakfast for the two of them. He was quite pleased by the view though. The female was wearing a pullover sweater that was overly big on her, the length falling to her upper thighs. Her sleep shorts were covered by the material, making it look as if she had nothing underneath. He wasn’t blind - Eun-ji was an attractive female. 

He chose to lean against the door frame, watching her as she grabbed ingredients on the counter next to her and adding it to her pan. A frown fell upon his face for a moment while thinking of ways to tell her that she was a wolf. It's not like he could force her form to come out or her memories to return. He tried to return them to her one night but they're either locked up too tight or someone one else is holding them.   

He chuckled into her neck before nipping it gently, causing a whine to tumble past her lips. “I wouldn’t let you hurt yourself.” He mumbled as he turned the burner off. Pulling her away from the stove, he turned her to face him. “Morning pup.”  He then spun them around and backed her up against the counter. 

She pouted at him. “One of these days you won’t be able to save me.”

He frowned at her response and grabbed her waist, lifting her up to sit on the counter. He moved closer, her thighs resting on each side of his body. He placed his hands on her thighs, pushing the sweater up higher as his thumbs rubbed small circles into her skin. The counter made her eye level with him and his face moved closer to hers. “I disagree, Wolf.”

Her cheeks reddened and she placed her hands on his shoulders, attempting to push him back but his body didn’t budge. “Lee Rang, stop.” She whined knowing that once again he was teasing her. It was something he seemed to enjoy while it drove her crazy. 

“Why, sweetheart?” He lifted one hand from her thigh and tugged a small strand of her hair before twirling it around his finger. He smirked when her eyes refused to meet his, instead he felt her one hand slide over to fiddle with his necklace. It was a habit that she did a lot when she was either nervous or overwhelmed. He allowed her to stay like that for another moment, getting lost in her own thoughts while he breathed in her scent of azaleas and orange blossoms.

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