Chapter 6

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TRIGGER WARNINGS : heated moment, hinted sexual abuse, Pet death

It was early in the morning, Ki Yuri sat at the island table in the kitchen with a cup of coffee. Eun-ji was still asleep, wrapped up all cozy in a red blanket. She was very fond of the wolf, considered her a sister of heart to be honest, but she didn't like that the wolf even had an idea on Rang being a dangerous person. Was he truly? That was a loaded question. One that she carefully crafted an acceptable answer for. 

With the cheerfulness of Eun-ji, Yuri could tell that if she knew of Rang's doing then she would likely side opposite of her. Lee Rang was a hero to the vixen. He had valid reasons for how he lives his life. Would Eun-ji think otherwise? Yuri couldn't risk the wolf knowing Rang's business. There was a reason he hadn't shown her that side of him yet. 

Speaking of the fox, he strolled into the kitchen, dressed for the day already. He paused in his steps for a split second, a little surprised to see Yuri sitting alone at the island. "Did you have a fun time during ladies night?" 

Yuri turned to him with a frown. He needed to know about Eun-ji's doubts. "She suspected that you were a dangerous man." She stated quickly, avoiding his original question. 

Rang frowned in return as he crossed the room and took a seat across from Yuri. "How did that come up?" 

"Eun-ji had some drinks last night and opened up. She told me that she's noticed the protection you provide for her, the glances you give some people and how they run off. She knows you're a powerful person but she wanted to make sure that she herself didn’t need to be  wary of you. She doesn't want to get tricked again."

"I see. How did you respond?" Rang wasn't pleased to hear this, but he did understand the wolf’s concern. He would need to be extra careful, he didn't want her to have doubts about him. 

"An acceptable version of the truth. Stated that you're protective of those that are worth your time, and you won't hesitate to use violence if needed." Yuri took a sip of her coffee, she let the hot liquid sit on her tongue an extra second before swallowing it down. "She seemed okay about it. I asked her if she was scared of you and she said no." 

Rang nodded his head and poured himself a cup of coffee. Moments passed between the two of them, a silence filled the air while Rang’s mind filled with thoughts. When did she start to notice his silent threats to those around them? 

"She needs to learn to protect herself soon, Lee Rang. You should train her like you trained me." Yuri spoke, finally breaking the silence, staring at him with a serious gaze. 

He stared back and sighed. “I know that you’re right, I will think about it. I want to do it properly without raising any extra suspicions.” 

The shuffling of feet caught their attention and both foxes looked over to the opening of the kitchen. Eun-ji came into the kitchen, hair a little messy from sleep and her red blanket wrapped around her like a cloak. She greeted them sleepily before sitting next to Yuri and resting her head against the female's arm. 

"Did you sleep well, Wolf?" Rang asked her before sipping his coffee. 

Eun-ji nodded her head without cracking an eye. "Mmmhmm. When did you get home?"
"Late. I don't even remember the time. I did check on you both though. Do you remember?" Lee Rang asked as he remembered her sleepy greeting. 

She peeked at him, looking a little confused. "Nope, I don't. I must have slept through that." She yawned, covering her mouth as she did so. "What do you both want for breakfast? I'll get dressed and start cooking."

"Noona, you don't need to cook every day." Yuri stated as she leaned against the wolf. She looked at Lee Rang and then at her cup of coffee and back to Rang to the wolf. Eun-ji was always taking care of the two of them. She deserved a morning off. 

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