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(deku's pov)

Today I plan to go to the mall to buy a couple of new clothes now that I know kacchan isn't here to bully me I feel better about wearing what I want. As I make my way down the stairs I cant help but remember what happened yesterday 'this is going to be awkward' I thought as I round the corner to see my mom cooking while my dad is holding onto her waist. "hey mom, dad" I said awkwardly They look at me and smile both blushing "hey izu" they both said I just sat at the table not making eye contact 'this is so awkward I think I might die' we all eat in silence  not making eye contact.

When I'm done I told them that I was going to the mall my dad gave me my own car it was so beautiful it was a matte black car I also got a small mansion for myself with my dad paying for everything I felt a little bad but he said it was fine so I drove to the location that he gave me for the mansion when I put everything in my room I plan on buying thing to decorate the whole house to my liking.

I soon pull up to the mall and park my car walking inside some people stare at me but there not judging some of them look at me in admiration some look at me with lust in their eyes there were a group of girls looking at me in jealousy I walked around for a bit until I went in this one shop it was small but I liked the outfit in there they were beautiful if I could I would buy the whole store after spending most of my time in that store I had 10 bags total.

I was about to the food court cause I was hungry but this guy came up to me and started bugging me about how I should be his boyfriend I didn't want to use my quirk on him cause I didn't want to hurt him but he was annoying me so I used and ice quirk and froze him he couldn't move so I skipped my way to the food court happy that I could finally eat.

I sat down with my pizza a group started walking up to me there were four of them a girl and three guy the girl squealed and pointing a finger at me said "see I told you we would find him here" she was really beautiful she had short black hair with a red clip on it matching her eyes  one of the guys chuckled as he pulled her back by her waist pushing the arm that was pointing at me down "yeah we know babe" he was hot not really my type but he was still good looking he had purple almost red hair it was long, his eyes looked to be the same color.

The other two guys just stood there looking at me they were definitely my type one of them had black hair with orange colored eyes almost look like there's fire in there, the other one had white hair with dark purple eyes I smiled a the group in front of me before asking "do you guys need something"  The girl turned back to me and said "yes we wanted to know if you wanted to be our friend" making me smile wider than before I've  never had friends before "sure" I said "where do you guys wanna hang out I'm pretty much done with shopping" I said looking at the twenty or more bags next to me "we can hang out any where" the girl said "we can go to my house" They look at me and noded their head.

Reaching my car with the group behind me one of them gasp I'm assuming it's the girl I turn around "is that your car" "oh yeah my dad gave it to me this morning along with a house" "lucky" the guy with the black hair says "come on get in".

Reaching my car with the group behind me one of them gasp I'm assuming it's the girl I turn around "is that your car" "oh yeah my dad gave it to me this morning along with a house" "lucky" the guy with the black hair says "come on get in"

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as we pull up to my house their eyes widen while their jaw drops "that's your house" the guy with white hair say "yeah it is lets go" when I unlock the door I step aside to let them In " I'm going to change in my room you guys can get comfortable ...

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as we pull up to my house their eyes widen while their jaw drops "that's your house" the guy with white hair say "yeah it is lets go" when I unlock the door I step aside to let them In " I'm going to change in my room you guys can get comfortable and wait for me?" "ok" they all said at the same time as I walk upstairs I can hear them start talking I reach my room and change into black high waisted booty shorts with a white skin tight crop top. 

I walk downstairs and they stop talking " you guys can keep talking do you want some snacks"

 "oh no we ate at the food court and I'm still full"

"alright" I say as I sit on the other couch across from them so I can see all of them " I never got an of your names now that I think about it it's kind of dangerous bringing strangers in to your house" 

"well my name is Daina" the girl says "

 I'm Seth" the guy with purple hair says 

" Damon" says the black haired man 

"and I'm Evan how about you" the last guy says

" My name is Izuku Midoriya" " wait is your dad Hasashi Midoriya?!" asked Evan " yeah he is how do you know him"  "how do you not know your dad is famous" said Daina " I've been living in japan I just moved yesterday" "oh" the whole night was spent on getting to know each other they ended up sleeping in the guest rooms.

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