Waking to a pirate

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Sarah's POV
The last thing I remember was black out I heard whispering I didn't wanna open my eyes "I know your awake love". I heard a deep voice say I opened my eyes to see a scruffy fellow.

 I heard a deep voice say I opened my eyes to see a scruffy fellow

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"What do you want with me" I ask. I shuffle back in bed scared because I see his hand only it isn't a hand but a hook.
Pirates POV 
She shuffled back well love it is not what I want with you it is why Peter Pan wants you. She looks at me scared I see that she is looking at my hand well only it is a hook. Don't be scared I don't want anything to do with you or to hurt you. She tells me that she doesn't even know why she's here.  My name is Captain Hook what's yours Love?
Sarah POV
Stop calling me love I scream he just chuckles. And then gets up to leave fine my name is Sarah. "Now that's more like it" he says. I  groan in disgust at that comment. I hate the fact that he is happy about this situation he then leaves because he has chores or whatever shit he said he had to do. But before he said that he says, "just so you know there is no way to leave unless Peter Pan wants you to leave". I told him I will never agree to pan and he just chuckles I hate the fact that he thinks it is funny. About the situation I am in. I walk out of my room to see what seems to be another pirate which I smile and keep walking. I get to the deck and I try to get off that's when I hit the shield. He smirks "you can't just get off my ship love you have to get my permission. Ugh I scream let me go. He says "I rather have you all to myself and not give you back to pan." I then see Henry I gesture him to come to the ship. He gets on board and I hug him I am so glad your ok I happily shout. He smiles I look at his forehead to see a small scratch what happened I ask. He says he brushed up against a tree but I can tell he is lying it was probably pan which I am sorry for him. We ran to a safe spot with no pirates and I fixed Henry's cut and then I saw pan he looked angry. I was scared and hid into Henry it didn't take Henry long to figure it out why I was scared. It didn't take pan long to get on the ship he got on and yelled " You have something of mine and I want it back". I shivered at the comment knowing he was talking about me and Henry. I wished it was a dream it was then I was grabbed by Felix and Henry grabbed by Devin.

 I wished it was a dream it was then I was grabbed by Felix and Henry grabbed by Devin

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I kicked felix and ran but it wasn't long until he caught me again. Damn it I cursed I heard him chuckle "you try to hard Sarah" he said. Pan came over to me and Felix and he blew dust into my face "goodnight princess" I heard him coo. I slowly fell asleep and Felix caught me and carried me bridle style. I woke in a cage to pan smirking "you lost princess" no in fact I was kidnapped from my kidnapper so you only one because you found me stuck I shouted. "You've got fire I like fire" he smirked damn you I cussed. "Watch your mouth princess" stop calling me princess I screamed. It was ok to be called princess but the fact he keep calling me that and barely knew me. I barely knew him so it was weird.
Peters POV
I looked at her beautiful eyes I wished they were mine. She screamed at me "I have a story to tell you princess" I started but stopped she wasn't ready. I will tell you another time, tonight we will have a fire.

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