Life in a cage

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Sarah's pov
Not that it was exciting living in a cage but it was better then being with the assholes down there who put me in the cage. I saw someone come by damn it. It was Peter go away I whimpered "are you sure you don't wanna come out to play princess" he asked. I looked at him so then what was the whole point of putting me up here if you where gonna let me out? "Fine if your gonna ask questions stay up there." What the hell. All I did was ask one stupid question and it sets him off that's not fair I whined. I fell asleep and wished to be back home. I woke up to be out of the cage only a few feet away from my cage. I stood up and walked away thinking it was a trap I stopped and ran away as fast as I could. I waited to see if he would appear and to my avail he didn't. I found some berries and ate those being hungry. I started to walk again when I heard voices I followed them to see pan talking to a boy. Pan vanished and the boy sat there scared like he just arrived to. I walked over and introduced myself "hi my name is Sarah" I said. He backed away I said it is ok I am just like you kidnapped and forced to stay here. He calmed and told me his name Henry. I recognized the name are you Emma's son. He nodded I used to live in storybrooke I saw you everyday at school I never had the courage to say hi though. He said "your Sarah I remember you I had a little crush on you". I smiled really I had one on you. I blushed and so did he we laughed and walked and talked about our lives. I told him about how I moved to Alaska after me and mom left storybrooke and now how we live in london. He said "really I would love to be able to move around." I told him it wasn't all sunshine and roses it sucked to pack up your life and leave everyone. Henry was nice to hang around we heard voices again and we knew it was pan I ran and Henry followed. He screamed "why are we running" I yelled back look behind you. I reached the edge of the island. I asked Henry if he trusted me he said yeah. I said to that cliff then we made it and as we got to the edge Pan turned around to face us. And his lost boys closed in behind us. Felix grabbed my arms and pushed Henry forward. No I yelled.

Pans POV
She screamed "No." I chuckled you can't outrun me darling I said brushing her cheek. Now Henry why were you ruining my plan I gave you freedom and anything you wanted now you betrayed me. I yelled C'mon boys let's play!

Sarah POV
He said "C'mon boys let's play" it sent shivers down my spine. Felix looked down at me and said in a husky voice "Now he's mad and you upset him love". I tried to get out of his grip but it only tightened the more I tried. But this time I didn't go back to the cage I was put in a hut with the one and only Peter Pan.

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