Stomach Bug.

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"Do you think I'm fit to be a mother?"

"I know you are. You come from a line of strong women so I have no doubt about it."

"I'm scared."

"There's nothing to be afraid of."

"I just need you to know that deep down inside, abortion was never an option. I may have made it seem like it was but it wasn't. I was just scared and angry. Talking crazy and saying anything. I wouldn't erase something we've created together."

"I know shit may seemed to be moving too fast but this baby not gonna hold you back as you accomplish your dreams and goals. I'll make sure of that as long as I'm around. And if you ever feel any doubt just remember I got us."

Sudden knocks on the stall door causes me to flinch back into reality.

"Zaria you okay?" Jodie asks from the other side of the door.

I nod as if she could see me before spilling more chunks into the toilet.

Morning sickness has been whooping my ass every since I've gotten back from Philly. Despite its name, I've realized the nausea has affected me during any time of the day. The feeling would constantly hit me in waves, making it difficult for me to go on with my everyday life.

I'm used to it now but I'm not sure if I can suffer any longer.

"I'm fine."

My voice sounded strained and weak. No sign of energy whatsoever. Getting myself together was a task within itself but once I was done, I finally opened the stall door.

"You got a stomach bug?"

I glance over to see a concerned look on Jodie's face before focusing back to washing my hands and mouth. The truth sits on the tip of my tongue but I couldn't find the courage to let it out.

"Something like that."

"I'll call my mama and tell her you're sick."

"It's only a few of us working today. I don't wanna leave you here all alone."

I walk past her, heading out the door and back to my task at hand.

Westwood Boulevard is a busy strip that runs into the south end of UCLA. Lots of eateries, local museums, and a million mom and pop stores between here and the campus.

Jodie and I have been working at her mother's youth center that's not too far from the area. We needed the job to pay the rent for our apartment and daily necessities.

"Screw that, I'll cover for you. You need some rest before taking those exams tomorrow."

"I'm fine... I promise."

I pick up some files and start stacking them with aggression.

Late night studying and constant phone calls from Allen has my attitude on ten today. I've been back for about two weeks and he's been blowing me up everyday.

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