12.0 || Baby...STAND? ||

Start from the beginning

You ignored him seeing the baby close his eyes.
"Well that sucks."

"What happened?" Jotaro asked while you adjusted yourself.

"He fell asleep again."


"Jotaro, do you feel that?"

"Yeah. I feel it, Y/n?"

"Do you guys always have to say stuff like it's suspicious?"

They didn't answer and you sighed, elbowing Polnareff.
"Polnareff wake up! You need to change a diaper."
The baby made a noise as Polnareff woke up, rubbing his eyes.

"I feel like I had a terrible dream...But I don't remember what happened in it. I've forgotten-"

"Bad dream?! Maybe its better you don't remember...I remember one of my bad dreams and it involved a serial killer dog...Here! While you change this ones diaper I'll tell you all about it." You passed him the infant and began your story.


"Well, that's a weird dream I'll tell you that." Polnareff concluded and Jotaro agreed.
"Anyways I think its good, Y/n hold onto the edge there I'm ready to pin it." He asked and you held it.
"Is that good?"

As he was about to pin it Kakyoin started to mumble and twitch in his sleep, causing you both to pause and look over.

"Um...does he normally do that Y/n?" Polnareff  questioned.
You furrowed your eyebrows, "You're the one who shared a room with him before, how am I supposed to know that??"

"Well h-" He was cut off by Kakyoin's yelling and thrashing.

"STOP! NO! STOP IT!" His arms and legs flailed and you scrunched up dodging one of his arms.
"What's the matter Kakyoin?!" Jotaro asked but he was still going.

Joseph glanced to the back trying to focus, "H-Hey?! What's going on?"

His leg shot out kicking Joseph in jaw. The steering wheel also locked down and turned causing the Cessna to do the same.

"Shit! I can't control it!" Joseph yelled and your heart dropped.


"Kakyoin what the hell is wrong with you!?"
"He was like this, this morning too!" Polnareff pointed out.

"Gee, that wasn't something you should've mentioned before asking me if he does it often!?" You argued.

"But you've seemed to know h-"

"Quit bickering back there and just calm him down!" Joseph yelled and you tried to get hold of his arm that almost elbowed you in the face several times now.

Jotaro spoke up, "Hey Old man, hurry up and regain control! We're going to crash!"

"This is going to be the second crash we get into this trip!" You added.

𝘾𝙊𝙋𝙔𝘾𝘼𝙏  || 𝙅𝙊𝙏𝘼𝙍𝙊 𝙆𝙐𝙅𝙊 𝙓 𝙍𝙀𝘼𝘿𝙀𝙍  ||Where stories live. Discover now