Chapter Forty: I missed you, Allie.

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Now you've received my last message with my forgiveness, please receive this one and open it to feel a tidal wave of love. Those three months without you I've decided are my last, under no circumstances will you drift away from me again Allie. I don't think that the makeup of our beings are made to be separated, and that is why I've come to understand that when I'm not with you, that there's just this ache. Do you feel it?.

The empty without
The ache

Allie, I love you so much!

It's a busy month here now. Teddy is here for a couple weeks, she is seventeen now, can you believe that?! Her momma sends her to me because Teddy has a boyfriend that she does not like. I have her here to occupy her time in the break before school starts again. It's important to keep her mind on the ball as the next year for her is huge. If she can get a scholarship, she will be extremely happy, and if you knew Teddy, you would know she is insanely talented on a court with a ball in her hand. We just have to work on her cocky attitude and showboating, but I'm sure she will glide through the college process. I also have Mary and Erica staying, my house is full. I wish oh wish one of my visitors were you, because I have room for you, right beside me. I long to feel you there, pressed into my side, offering zero personal space, and not apologising for it.

I found a picture of your mama today, and I am sending it in the attachment. I miss her and love her too.

Tell Harper I saw the videos of her game last weekend on the school webpage. I'm legit impressed with how well she has progressed since joining the team. It's to believe she's only played for a few months. Another baller in the family?! Tell her I love her x

Speak soon,

Sending my heart x

Willa x


I will spend the rest of my life adoring every inch of your being and I will never stop, beyond this life to the next, you won't shake me. It's you and me into eternity and beyond. I can't wait until the day I can show you, let you feel every sweet devotion from my lips,and the tips of my fingers to your lips and dips, the curves and edges of you, the soft and sweet flesh, every inch. I need you to feel how I love you, to feel it so deeply you would take it with you from that moment forward, and whether you ever felt that touch again it wouldn't matter, because it took one, one touch to feel it forever.

Willa, I ache everywhere for you xx


Achingly, longing... for you,

Allie xx

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