Chapter Twenty Three: Morgan *

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It's a weekend in July, not long after my birthday, there is a conference on out of town. I have travelled to it alone, to learn a little more about high school sport and the way in which we can support our students to excel, and of course build our own career paths. I am taking this trip as a vacation, alone, heaven sent. It had been a crazy season before school broke up for summer, and my girls had worked me to the bone, they had so much to improve on from the last year and we were battling up the local ranks slowly, getting to the position I knew they were capable of. My new freshman showed such great promise and I was excited to learn more on how I could help support them.

The previous week had been spent at a theme park, with the entire Nomikos clan, and Mary and Erica. A week of non stop sensory overload. Teddy made me and Callie ride everything... twice. I left green, and made everyone aware as we left, that it would be my last theme park trip. I was not built for it, my constitution rejected the loop da loop on an unnerving level, and oh how Mary and Erica had laughed. I would get them back the last week of summer, on our cross country road trip. We always took a summer trip together as long as I could remember. Erica would hire a camper and off we would go, I loved her sense of adventure, she had taught me so much on those trips, we probably bonded best when out of the house and learning together, seeing the country together and travelling. Mary I knew loved to share her with me, and all that she was, they still blew me away as a couple. They were just, it, the thing every girl looks for when she thinks of growing old with someone, a great love mixed up with a best friend. The enviable, double rainbow.

I pull into the hotel lot and grab my handbag, throwing it over my shoulder, and exiting the car. I look up at the hotel, it's impressive in size and has a pool that wraps around the outside of it, palm trees sit around the reception entrance... it looks like it has just enough luxury to satisfy my aching soul. I needed a large martini and an early night in a bed the size of the room, with cosy pillows a plenty and sheets that cling to your body, with nowhere to go and not a sensory stimulation in sight.

I open the trunk and pull out my suitcase, a small pull along. I look down as I feel something roll against my sneaker. I frown at the sight of a bag on wheels that has clearly got away from someone. I look around the car park and don't see anybody. "I swear to god if there's a bomb or something in this damn bag, when I am this close" I say finger and thumb poised together "to getting a vacation"

"No bomb" comes a voice behind me, and a generous smile. I take a sharp intake of breath, realising she heard me, and I move aside as she leans down to pull the handle up on the suitcase. "Sorry, it rolled away when I went to pay for car parking"

I can't help but notice how absolutely stunning she is. I am a little lost for words, for once in my life.

She looks at me curiously "are you okay" she asks.

I open my mouth to say something, but all I can see is the way her tongue rolls across her lips, her plump full lips that most women would pay for, surely they were in a catalogue somewhere... picked by a million young things that would die for pillow plump lips like these. Of course I can't help but stare, because I am an absolute hermit of a lesbian at this point. I have given up on dating after a string of disasters, and so any woman who got close enough, that looked this...insanely beautiful... was sure to make me just discombobulate on the spot. Here I was, absolutely melting under the blondes stare.

Her lips lifting into an amused smile "are you here for the conference" she asks pointing to the hotel.

I finally take a breath, and break eye contact, my eyes finally looking away from the pools of deep blue I found them swimming in. I reach down and lift my bag handle up and shut the trunk "yes... basketball coach" I say pointing at myself awkwardly.

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