Chapter Twenty Eight: A Nomikos baptism by fire

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"So let me get this right before we go in... Calliope is your best friend in Oregon, she's the eldest. Theodora is the youngest, and ranks straight after Calliope in best friend order, of which I cannot get wrong, or she may cut me?... am I correct so far?" Morgan asks, as we sit in the car outside the Nomikos home.

I turn in my seat and observe her serious expression, amused, as she tries to remember in detail my friends and family in Oregon. I nod "so far so good"

"Okay" she begins again, one finger poised in the air, her eyes roll back as she tries to remember the rest of them. "Demitra, or Demi, is a year younger than Calliope, and Thea is the third sibling. Thea has two boyfriends, and we mustn't mention the second because he isn't meant to exist... right?" She asks, and I nod.

"And Maria and Christos are the parents, they will hug me until I feel like I can't breath, but I will survive it. I just have to hang tight and they let go eventually... is that all good?" She asks.

I nod and smile, leaning forward, and capturing her lips softly. Morgan has put her hair up in a French braid, her golden hair making her look ethereal with the placement. Having her hair up reveals her cute little ears that kind of point up a little like a pixie, and they remind me of Allies brother Hyrums. I reach out and softly caress her ear, and she glares at me which makes me laugh a little "if you mention pixie ears one more time Willa" she says, trying to be serious, but losing her ability to hold back the smile behind it.

"I can't help it... you are just far too adorable" I confess, looking at her lovingly.

She looks back at me curiously. I am not hiding how much I like her very well, if at all, and I look away instantly feeling a little exposed.

Did I want Morgan to know that I was circling the word love, and putting a million lines through the word like this week? Did she need to know that it had already come to that?!

Shit... I was such a typical lesbian, falling in love with a weekend fling that should have lasted a weekend, but had breached the realms of real life, and had now gone rogue. She had met my family and friends, and was beginning to feel quite unlike a fling with each passing hour, and more like someone I needed to confess my undying love for.

"Get a grip Willa" I beg myself.

"Are you okay" she asks me, noting my withdrawal.

I smile "yes of course, let's go" I say, opening the car door and stepping out.

It was Sunday, and the Nomikos feast and interrogation was about to start. I hoped they would perhaps hold back the enthusiasm, at least a little, but knowing them... they didn't do holding back, they did running forward, arms spread...What is personal space? Let me squeeze you to death, I want to know and hear everything about you in one breath, yep that's how it would go.

Morgan rounds the car and takes my hand, squeezing it a little nervously. "do you think they will like me" she asks, looking almost angelic beside me in a white short playsuit, which showed off her long legs,  bare arms and slender back. Why did she always look like she stepped out of a magazine? And why did I look like this?! I think, checking out my reflection in the car mirror. I was wearing tight fitting blue denim jeans with a casual white t shirt that slipped off one shoulder.

"What's wrong" she asks.

I look to her next to me and gulp a little " I just think you are a little out of my league. You could literally have anyone"

She frowns "Willa, don't say that... I don't want anyone... I want you"

She releases my hand and cups my cheeks, placing a longing kiss that lets me know I have no need for that worry. Morgan is very much into me, and I had to start believing it. She pulls away begrudgingly and I feel the worry slip away. "Now, don't ever say that again" she scolds.

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