S1 E4: Oeuf

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Companion Song: "I Found" by Amber Run

"And I'll use you as a warning sign /That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind... And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be / Right in front of me..."

Season 1, Episode 4: Oeuf

This "cut unscene" occurs just before Will and Hannibal's second therapy session of the episode. In their first session, Will admits that the lines between his true self and Garret Jacob Hobbs are blurring, even though Hobbs is dead. Still, he insists, "I know who I am." Later, at the crime lab, Will, Brian, Jimmy, Jack, and Beverly are talking about birth order as they work on the Turner family murders. As the crew shares stories about their families (who wouldn't want to meet Jimmy's twin?) Will is forced to compare his experience growing up as a likely-unwanted only child whose mother left him. The next scene in the show cuts directly to Will and Hannibal's therapy session, but something happened in between, at timestamp 14:03.


    Will straightened up on the park bench. A blue heeler mix trotted out of the bushes not far from where he sat, wagging its tail, trailing a leash behind.

    "Buster, get back here!" Someone in the distance called desperately before emitting a few whistles that echoed through the gray, wintertime landscape.

As the dog sniffed gleefully at the base of a trash can, a child's voice chimed in. "Buster! Busterrrr!"

Will got up slowly, tucking his phone back in his coat pocket. "Hello," he greeted the dog when she — it was female, Will could see, now that he was closer — looked up at him from where she'd been nosing a candy wrapper caught in the grass. "Hey girl. What are you doing, huh?" He knelt and reached out a hand, his movements smooth and nonthreatening.

The heeler trotted over to him right away, and he petted her gently before hooking a hand through her collar and picking up the leash.

He turned at the sound of wheels against the park's paved path. A tall woman with a messy brown bun jogged toward him pushing a stroller, another older child running at her side. "Buster!" the little girl cried, racing for Will and the dog.

The mother, out of breath, pulled up and let go of the stroller to put her palms on her knees for a moment. "Oh my God, thank you," she panted, straightening and resting her hands on her hips, breath clouding out of her mouth in the cold air. The little girl knelt down and put her arms around her dog. Buster licked her face and she squealed with laughter.

Will handed the woman back the leash. "No problem," he said.

"Seriously, thank you. I can only go so fast pushing this thing." She pointed to the stroller, which was laden down with a diaper bag, a child's book bag, and a baby wrapped in a pink parka and swaddled in blankets against the December chill. "And it's not like I'm gonna just leave the baby to chase the dog!" They shared a laugh.

"I have a Buster at home," Will said, putting his hands awkwardly in his coat pockets.

"A heeler? Or an idiot who runs away all the time?" the woman asked with a chuckle.

"A Buster. A-a dog... named Buster." Will knelt down next to the little girl and scratched the dog between the ears.

"You got a Buster too?" The little blonde girl was wide-eyed. "Where is he?"

"He's at home with my other dogs," Will told her shyly, looking at the heeler instead of the child. The girl was an adorable creature with red cheeks and huge blue eyes.

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