Noodles party ruined ???

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Sid decides to relive the noodles memory.

But leaving Sanju alone in his room, on his bed, at this time of night in Academy did not feel right. It might raise questions on her character which he cannot afford to. So he slowly covered her properly at the edges to make sure , locked the door from inside, switched off the lights and jumped out from the window and closed it.

"Just five to ten minutes you can risk SidG. Comeon now, fast" he murmured to himself and made his way to the kitchen.

He prepared noodles for him and his lady love and starts sneaking towards his room. But God got other plans making him getting caught by Bala.

"Sid Bhaiji, why are you carrying two plates of noodles. Is there some party going on ? Please include me also. I am feeling too bored . And by the way why are you moving like this ?" Bala asked out aloud.

"Oh no ! Why God G bro ? Why did you have to wake up this BalaG bro now? " Sid silently huffed at God.

If Sid says the actual truth, Bala will get to know that Sanju is sleeping in his room. He trusts Bala to not disclose this to anyone, but still he did not want to take any chances when it comes to his girl's dignity in every possible way. So he tries to manage in his Sid Bro style.

"Bala G bro !! You see both are for me only ! I am too hungry now as I did not eat lunch and dinner" saying this he emptied one of the plate's contents onto another and closed it over that plate as a lid.

"WHAT !!! Siddharth , you did not eat the whole day ?"

Sid slowly turned to see his girl, in her Todfod mode. He is confused as to how she woke up so soon from such a deep peaceful slumber . Did someone get to know about her being in his bed ? Suddenly his cheeks get heated , and a blush starts to form after that sentence hits his brain. But who is he kidding, one look at Sanju and he is now scared out of his wits.

Bala's condition is worse. He is caught roaming around in the Academy at this time of night by a Trainer. No, not just any trainer , But Sanjana Madam.

"If in another 30 seconds I see even a hair of your's in this place, you will face your worst day at tomorrow's training. OUT BALA" Miss Todfod roared.

Bala vanished the next second.

"And you Siddharth . What childishness is this ? You were working the whole day, too much work , that too without even having food . Why such carelessness Siddharth ?"

Suddenly remembering the hurt he had felt by her words in the morning, Sid just gave her a look and started walking away from her ( with the plate ofcourse).

"Ugh!!! What are you doing Sanju ? You are supposed to woo him , not scold remember ?" she reprimanded herself.

"Siddharth. Siddharth." Sanju went behind Siddharth.

Another quick short update. Will try to update the next one sooner and longer. Meanwhile, kindly share your thoughts in comments. This is my first ever experience. And also if it touched your heart somewhere, please do vote my work.

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