
Start from the beginning

Almost 10 minutes later the door finally opened and jungkook straightened up unfolding his arms and looking at the blonde who slowly made his way out of the bathroom, still fidgeting with the edge of his shirt "sorry about that, I- I don't know why I suddenly got my heat I took pills before leaving the apartment" jungkook smiled softly shaking his head "don't worry jimin, I'm just glad it was me and not someone else who came in, and I'm glad I got to help" they fell silent jimin's eyes stuck to the ground "we should take you home though, you are on your heat and it's better if you are somewhere comfortable" jimin nodded still quiet while jungkook took a hold of the blonde's bag and walked closer to him "you okay? Are you feeling alright?" Jimins breath didn't take long to grow uneven once again, his still damp forhead covered once again with thick droplets of sweat "they- they aren't working" his honey eyes looking up with worry at the red haired man who widened his own doe eyes "let's take you home quickly then"

On their way to the blonde's apartment jimin unconsciously held onto jungkooks hand feeling almost reassured with the feeling of the younger close to him "step in" jungkook helped opening the door and jimin quickly disappeared in his bedroom making jungkook simply follow him, the blonde started to pull down the bed covers organizing everything into a big nest, taking some of his own clothes and a very little few from his son, his pillows and blankets plus extras he had saved for him to sometime do his nest, that time being now.

Jungkook cleared his throat gaining the blondes attention "I will get you some water and food so you stay in your nest the whole time" going out the room leaving jimin to build his space, soon jungkook returned from the store, bag full of water bottles and snacks for the omega. He made his way into the olders room but not finding him there "jimin?" He called out noticing some movement from between all the blankets, jimins head peeking out with his blonde hair sticking into different directions and eyes half open with tiredness "you are back" jimin mumbled, cheeks flushed a light pink "I will leave these here for you, do you need me to call namjoon?" The blonde shook his head, munching down onto his bottom lip, hesitant to ask something, jungkook noticing so and the certain glint in the olders tired eyes, a glint that was different from his usual self "jungkook..."

He was very hesitant, his wolf wanted the alpha with them in their nest but jimin's logical side felt overwhelmed by the idea, yet, it wasn't like his logical thinking was in charge, his wolf taking over each time more "...can you, get in my nest?" Jungkook blinked twice not sure if he had heard right "you- you said if I can get in your nest?" Jimin blinked and nodded like if the question was simple, these was a huge step, an omegas nest was their territory a space where the could feel safe and for jimin to invite jungkook in was a huge thing because that meant, jimin felt safe around him, and that made jungkooks wolf howl proudly. "Jimin are you really sure about that? I don't want to intrude in your safe space" affectionate eyes looking down at the omega between all the blankets, he nodded making his messy hair softly jiggle "please, get in my nest with me" how could jungkook deny him if his honey eyes looked at him that way?, specially now he had clear his feelings for him, jungkook nodded but before hoping in jimin sat up straight raising a hand to stop him "can you... change into something else?" He thoughtfully looked at the blonde noticing he was now wearing a dark blue shirt, one that was way too long on him, probably made to be a pajama "y- you can grab anything from my closet" jungkook understood knowing he himself would get uncomfortable in his Jeans while being in a nest full of blankets "okay, yeah I can change, do you have any sweatpants that don't fit you?" Jimin nodded pointing at the bottom of his closet where two long white drawers were, he reached down and rummaged around the clothes until he found a pair of black sweatpants.

He looked over his shoulder noticing the blondes eyes on him, his acknowledge making jimin quickly look away to let the red haired change comfortably, jungkook didn't hesitate much and took off his jeans, jimins eyes stealing a glimpse of the alphas toned legs before looking away once again, jungkook stayed with his shirt on and just pulled off his leather jacket "is these okay?" Jimin quickly nodded accommodating himself back on his nest between all the pillows and blankets, eyes following the younger who carefully stepped in while making sure to study jimin's features in case he decided to not let him into his nest, once he was completely in he sat down before laying down on his side so he could look at the omega looking back at him. They stayed in silence jimin taking a deep breath of the close pinewood scent of the younger, jungkook closed his eyes as well, opening them right away at the feeling of the older scooting closer towards him, jimin's hand taking a fistful of jungkooks white shirt. The man hesitated for a second unsure of how the blonde would react if he wrapped his arm around him, but his alpha loved the idea to pull him closer, his doe eyes studied the calmed features of the older his eyes carving the image of the beautiful man into his brain, his alpha pushing him even more to just wrap his arms around him. And carefully he did so, jimin letting out a sigh of content making jungkook's chest bloom with happiness at the approval of the other, one of jungkooks arms under the blondes head and his tattooed arm tightly yet softly around jimins waist.

They both relaxed in the presence of the other their breathing even and Scents mixing together, jimin got closer to the alpha if possible their bodies already glued to the other, since jimin already had his head against jungkooks chest his wolf took the advantage to tilt his head up, nose burying in the alpha’s neck unconsciously starting to scent him. The content of jungkook's alpha making him realize what the omega was doing but he didn't complain, instead he gave a small purr of approval which only made the blonde purr softly in return.


Namjoon softly laughed, jun-seo jumping up the stairs while hand in hand with Hoseok "why are you being shy now" his teasing making yoongi punch him in the arm while he still blushed madly "shut up, these is why you are annoying" looking away the four coming to a stop in front of the apartment door "now I'm no longer interested in you" namjoon laughed again unlocking the door and pushing it open, as soon as the brown haired alpha stepped foot in the apartment he felt a weird sensation "somethings off" yoongi as well catching up with the mixture of Scents "was... was jungkook here?" He frowned looking at the taller who clenched his jaw, feeling once again protective of the blonde omega "where is he?" Letting out a very low growl, his alpha feeling overprotective "wait joon-" yoongi ran after the man who slammed open jimins bedroom door to find the two man cuddling in jimins messy nest "what the-" yoongi slapped his hand over Namjoon's mouth and pulled him out of the bedroom, softly closing the door "shut up!" The black haired whisper shouted glaring at the way taller man "you said jimin was in heat, there must be a reason he trusted jungkook to let him into his nest, and you said he got your and your wolfs approval" smacking the olders chest "so get your shit together and stop being so protective of him if you really will let him be with jungkook" Pouting at the scolding of the shorter before nodding. Namjoon followed yoongi into the living room watching him give his gummy smile at the two kids "how does a sleep over sound? You can stay at my apartment and namjoon can also stay over"

"Really?! Did my mom said yes?!" Jun-seo jumped on his seat and yoongi right away hummed "though he fell asleep now, so let's pack your bag and leave to my house, we can buy a pizza on the way" the two pups right away up for the idea while namjoon could only nod repeatedly after being scolded like a bad wolf.

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