Chapter Five:

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Chapter Five:

                It had been two days since Bailey’s incident. We hadn’t spoken about it since we left the nurse’s office and she thanked me, but it had been on my mind every second and threatening to bubble out every time I talked to her. I wanted to know why she hadn’t told her foster parents yet. I know they didn’t get along real well, but she could be really sick. I looked up her symptoms. It could be simple, treatable anemia or it could be worse. I didn’t even want to think that way. My stomach got all knotted up and I just wanted to throw up when I thought of her being seriously sick.

I just wished she would go to a doctor and find out.  She would be less stressed out. Bailey was going to be too hard-headed about this though. It was going to take a while to get her to listen to me. I wish she wasn’t so stubborn. It would only benefit her and I would be there with her every step of the way.  After the party tonight, I would start my campaign to get her to go the doctor.

How was I going to do it? I had no idea. Beg, plead, and cry while I’m on my hands and knees. Drag her there myself. The latter seemed to have the most potential and be the quickest way. How mad would Bailey be if I took her there myself? Seeing how she was dragging her heels about going already, probably very, but it was for her own good. Also it would restore both of ours sanity. I’m sure one of the walk-in clinics around her would see Bailey. Maybe. Oh, well, we’ll see. I had a plan now and I was going to see it through to the very end.

Most of the day was spent between sleeping and thinking of Bailey. When I was asleep I dreamed of her. I dreamed of loving her, taking care of her, being the best lover I could ever be for her. Then I would wake up. Sadness filled every pore of me. It was only just a dream. Reality struck me in the heart. I wasn’t with her and I doubted I would ever be. She couldn’t love me even if she was gay. I was just Desiree. I was nobody special. Nobody special like her.

I sighed and slumped up against the wall next to the bed. Loneliness hit me like a bitter train. Life kinda sucked right now.  I couldn’t wait to leave this place. Life could only get better, right? That is what all those videos said. It gets better. Well I couldn’t see it that’s as sure as hell. I just had to wait and see once I left this town. It wasn’t going to get better here and that was a fact.

“Desiree, you better not do anything stupid tonight,” My mom said, as I walked out into the living room.

“Something stupid?” I asked. I was an honor student who didn’t do anything bad. She knew that. Why was she treating me like I did something?

“I know how you teenagers get,” She said, rolling her eyes.

“Well, Mom, I’m not most teenagers,” I said, trying not to sound annoyed. “You need to trust my judgment.” I take care of my sister all the time and do most everything around the house. How can she not trust my judgment yet?

“It’s not your judgment I don’t trust. Its other people,” She said, sounding guilty now. I stared at her in disbelief. She just told ME not to do anything stupid tonight. That doesn’t sound like other people to me. Geez, she drove me crazy.

“Okay, Mom. I won’t do anything stupid tonight. Don’t worry,” I said and went into the kitchen. I shook my head, trying my best to ignore her. Today was going to be a good day. I was going to be hanging out with Bailey tonight. Nothing and nobody was going to ruin that for me. Not even her.

“Hey,” I said, jumping in the passenger side of Bailey’s jeep.

“Hey girl!” Bailey exclaimed, excited. I smiled, already feeling pumped for this night to begin. “Ready to party?” I didn’t really like parties, but I was going with Bailey so I didn’t care and I was ready to do anything involving her.

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