Chapter 8

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Stephan goes back to school to his next class English. Because of all the drama he is going to be late.

He walks to the building and walks down the hallway. His class is upstairs. In te hallway there is a really long and high staicase.

Stephan still has got issues with walking on staires. The amount of pressures hurts his stump.

(Shit, this is going to be a problem the rest 6 months...)

Stephan walks the stairs carefully and makes is to the end, but not without pain. A sharp pain enters his body.

He walks to the classroom and enters the class.

"You must be Stephan! " says a young lady in English

" yup thats me."

" I can hear you are from London, this subject will be very easy for you. In my classroom we will always speak english unless I am explaining the assingment or you ask for it, but that will be no problem for you I think."

" yes I think it will be fine"

Stephan takes a seat, but he takes a seat on the empty chair next to Lisa.

" Hi." Lisa says

" Hi to you too" Stephan says while laughing

The lesson continious. Stephan is not really listening to the teachet but is thinking about his stump. It is sore and he wants to take his prosthetic off, but he cant. He cant show it.

Stephan! Stephan! You there mate?

Stephan looks at his teacher who is staring at him.

" I get that my lessons are boring for you but I asked you something. Are you allright? You look a little pale."

" yeah, well can I go to the bathroom?" Stephan ask.

" Sure!"

Stephan stands up from his chair and a sharp pain goes to his stump. He gets lightheaded and his vision gets blurr. He  is trying not to trip over something on his way to the door. There he is at the door. He opens the door and walks in the hallway. He doesn' t know where the nearest bathroom is and sees a bench where he takes a seat. He is panting and tries to get a clear vision. After a while his vission is all clear. He sees a janitor walking thowards him.

"You allright kid?" He aks.

" yes just needed some air" Stephan answers

" allright take care!" The janitor answers.

Stephan walks back to his lesson and follows the rest of his class.


The school bell is ringing and Stephan and all his classmates are heading to the next class: P.E.

Stephan enters the male changing room. Everyone starts to change their clothes into sports clothes.

" where are your sport clothes Steph?" Abel the populair kid asks.

" I cant participate, I broke my leg earlier this year and it is still a little painfull sometimes."

Stephan takes his left pant up and shows him a big scar on his left leg.

"Ah thats shitty man, now you have to watch from the sideline this whole time." Bob another populair kid answers.

It is wat it is Stephan answers.

After they where changed the went to the big sporthall. A muscular teacher walks to Stephan.

" Hi are you Stephan?" He asks

" yes I am"

" Did you forget your sport clothes?"

" No I am not able to participate, I broke my leg this year and it still hurts sometimes.

" allright but I need a letter from your docter for proof. You will miss a lot of grades so wee neer some evidence. " the teacher answers.

" Is this enough?" Stephan graps his richt pant and lifts it up a little bit. In less than a second Stephan puts the pant down and graps his other leg.

( oef thats was close.)

" I can see Stephan but I still need the letter from your doctor."

" allright, Stephan answers and he takes a seat."

(Watching these classmates is kind off hard to see. I want to do this, this was my life just running and jumping, but now I don't know what my future will be like...)

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