Chapter 7

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"Allright Stephan, welcome on school De Boom! What do you think of this place?"

"Yeah, I think it is nice!"

"Good to hear, so as a mentor I have a lot of questions, but I am not your only mentor. In  your class you have two mentors me and Jan, He will be here soon!"

"Ah okey"

" You are really good in speaking dutch you know, it is a hard language."

" Thank you, my grandma was dutch and she learned me a little."


" come in!"

A tall man with mid 30's steps in.

"Hi, I am Jan, I am your english teacher and I also teach dutch."

" I am Stephan, nice to meet you"

" Allright lets talk about you Stephan. As far as we know you recently moved to the Netherlands to live with your parents friend.

Why did you move tonthe Netherlands?"

" My parents move a lot for there job and I wanted to live in one place for a while."

" Ah okey I get that." Jan answers

" Do you have any siblings?" Jan asks

" No I don't"

" Do you know what you would like tondo for a living when you are older?"

" no, I don't"

( why do they want to know so much? Isnit that important? Shit. My heart is racing again. Don't panic, don't panic Stephan)

" I heard from our dean that you are home schooled, is that true?" Lisa asks

" yes that is true."

"Stephan I noticed that you didn't want talk about your parents in front of class. Why is that?" Lisa asks

(Why is she asking this? Don't tell her Stephan, its okey, just tell het that uhmm, I am panting again shit...)

" Stephan are you allrigt?"

" Yes well no, why are you asking this, you are not my psychologist aren't you?"

" Well as a mentors we care about our students and want to help them if they need it." Says Jan

" Okey but what if I don't want to!?"

( I feel anger, I am not feeling comfortable, I want to go. Maybe this all was a bad idea and I shoud just go back. Al the lying I am done!)

" we are just interesed in your life Stephan!" Lisa says."

" sorry I just need to go"

Stephan walks out of the room. Heads straight to  his scooter and drives to his car. While he is in his car he takes a few deep breaths an dicides to call mister Rockshin.

" Rockshin speaking"

" Hi, I am comming back to Londen. High school is overated."

" No you stay!"

" Why, aren't you happy that I want to go home?"

" I get that high school is scary and weird
I have been there, you need to open up and than it would be great. Believe me! I think you could use some time of from al your work over here."

" But how can I open up if I need to lie?"

"  Maybe you need to lie about the past but not about who you are right now."

" Okey I will try!"

" Thats the spirit! Call me if you need me!"

"Thanks bye"



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