The Tower Part 2

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(Writers block the killer of stories the harbinger Of Demotivation. No one can stop it besides forcing yourself to write a story trust me it totally works.)

"Now then the two displayed on the screen may come forward" The instructor said

Y/N and Sasuke walked to the Instructor.

"For the first battle Y/N and Sasuke Uchiha has been selected. No objections right?" The instructor said

"Right" Both of them said

"Everyone other than the two competitors move up to the upper area"

Everyone aside Y/N and Sasuke walked up to the upper area

"When I say start you may start fighting" The instructor said.

Y/N and Sasuke readied themselves. Sasuke turned on the sharingan.

'Im glad he's taking me seriously otherwise.......'

Y/N thought of making Clones but he doesn't want to as he wants to increase his combat skills without clones and prove that he won against Sasuke without any clones.


Y/N threw multiple shurikens infused with Lightning at Sasuke.

Sasuke dodged them all. Y/N teleported to Sasuke and tried to punch Sasuke however it was ineffective as Sasuke blocked the attack.

Y/N kept barraging Sasuke however Sasuke blocked all of the attacks.

Just as Y/N was about to finish the barrage with a uppercut Sasuke jumped back.

Sasuke landed on the ground and did multiple hand signs

"Fire style Fire Ball Jutsu!" Sasuke shouted

A ball of flame came out of Sasuke's mouth and it charged at Y/N

'I can't dodge it!"

Y/N realizing that he cant dodge the attack Y/N fired El Thor at The Fire Ball.

The two Attacks collided and caused a small explosion at the center.

The others on the upper area gasped before getting covered by smoke.

"Bleh!" Naruto shouted in disgust (Smoke smells disgusting if you tried it before)

Smoke came out of the explosion and covered the two of them.

'Too easy!' Y/N said before activating Electric vision which while make him able to see Electric Signals in ones body.

Y/N sensed Sasuke on the Front.

Y/N charged at Sasuke with a mini Chidori which paralyzed Sasuke

"Ugh!" Sasuke shouted in pain

Y/N then uppercuted him which knocked him back to a wall.

'I don't think he is gonna recover from that's Y/N thought.

The smoke cleared and revealed Sasuke backed against a wall.

Sasuke's eyes were back to Normal as the sharingan ran out.

"You can do it Sasuke don't you want to fight me!" Naruto shouted

Sasuke hearing Naruto. Sasuke stood up.

'This is why they say don't underestimate plot armor!' Y/N thought

Sasuke got ready in a fighting stance and charged at Y/N but due to the attack earlier he was a bit slow

Y/N just zapped away

"This is like a replay of the fight 3 years ago isn't it Sasuke!" Y/N taunted

"Shut up!" Sasuke shouted

Y/N then zapped to Sasuke

"There is no way in hell you would win this fight" Y/N whispered to Sasuke

"Don't underestimate me!" Sasuke shouted at Y/N

Sasuke reacting to this Sasuke jumped back and  Readied fire style Fire Ball Jutsu and released it on Y/N

Y/N not realizing this got hit by the attack.

The Fire Ball exploded on impact with Y/N.

"Argh!" Y/N shouted in pain as he got multiple burns from the attack

The attack on Y/N was super effective.

Y/N zapped away from the burned area to avoid being burned even more.

Y/N then checked his wounds

His right hand was roasted and the rest of his body has Burns.

Y/N clenched his teeth in pain.

Y/N deciding to get Revenge on Sasuke for his burns Zapped to Sasuke.

Y/N Delivered A fully powered lightning barrage on Sasuke whoever this also hurt his right hand.

Sasuke not being fast enough to react to  this attack took all of the hits causing multiple Fractures in his body.

Y/N then kicked Sasuke in the face causing Sasuke to fall over.

Sasuke fell on the floor

The instructor knowing Sasuke won't be able to get up decided to declare Y/N the winner.

Y/N then looked at Gaara on the Upper area

"Your next Gaara!" Y/N challenged Gaara

Word count: 729

(3rd fight in this book. Still not good at it)

 Still not good at it)

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