Chunin exams 2

361 14 11

(Yooooo that's alot of reads)

"Okay Sasuke, Y/N and Naruto come with me" Sakura said while pulling all of them with her.

While Sakura was pulling us someone called out to us

"I challenge you Sasuke!"

"My name is Rock Lee you said it's common courtesy for a challenger to give his own name first right?" Rock Lee Said

"Yes I did" Sasuke said

"Fight me everyone is always talking about the Uchiha clan and how great they are I want to see if it is true."

"I love you Sakura" Rock Lee said while looking at her.

"Those eyes can't be real! Your hairstyle is horrible too and those eyebrows are so bushy" Sakura shouted

"You are an angel sent from heaven" Rock Lee said while sending a heart to Sakura

Sakura dodged it

"That was a good dodge but can you dodge this?" Rock Lee said before making multiple hearts.

Sakura managed to dodge all of them but hit her head in the process.

"Hey keep your creepy valentine's to yourself! I was dodging for my life there!" Sakura shouted

"You do not need to be so negative Sakura" Rock Lee said

Naruto tried attacking Rock Lee but got his ass beat.

"Hey Rock Lee my name is Y/N may I request you to a fight" Y/N questioned

"Sure let's go!"

Y/N zapped to rock Lee and tried to punch him but Rock Lee blocked but before rock Lee could kick Y/N .Y/N zapped away.

"Your fast" Rock Lee said

Y/N made electric clones to attack Rock Lee

Rock Lee blocked their attacks and attacked them causing them to poof but instead of smoke it was electricity

Which stunned Rock Lee.

Y/N quickly zapped to Rock Lee and gave him a barrage of punches which pushed him back.

Rock Lee gained back his movement and seemingly teleported above Y/N to give him a Leaf Hurricane which hit Y/N whoever it was ineffective as Y/N turned to lightning to protect himself and stun rock Lee. Rock Lee fell to the ground as he was stunned.

Y/N then made a bunch of electric clones

All of them punched Rock Lee back and forth.

Rock Lee gained his movement back and stepped away because he knew if he destroyed those clones he would be stunned.

As Rock Lee stepped back all of the clones fired El Thor's that are 100x weaker then normal so that it won't kill Rock Lee.

Rock Lee quickly dodged the horde of El Thors.

While Rock Lee was recovering from the attacks. Y/N just stood there.

Right now Y/N is using electric telepathy by sensing the electric waves in Rock Lee's body he is able to interpret his thoughts.

'Im being backed to a corner, if Y/N is this strong how strong is Sasuke?. I can remove my weights however that's breaking my masters rules' Rock Lee thought

Rock Lee sweeped at the floor sending  air pressure to the clones causing them to poof.

Y/N jumped over it and zapped towards Rock Lee and tried to upper cut him

However rock Lee blocked the attack and tried to use leaf whirlwind to hit Y/N however it's ineffective as Y/N Is constantly transforming into Lightning.

'My attacks are ineffective how?'

Taking advantage of Rock Lee's confusion Y/N sent volts through Rock Lee's body.

Rock Lee became paralyzed and unable to move resulting in Y/N as the winner.

Y/N placed Rock Lee's body on the ground. "Let's get going

Y/N decided to use electric telepathy on Sasuke

'I need to catch up if Y/N is already on this level I will be left behind luckly I left my sharingan on to copy his attacks.' Sasuke said before turning off his sharingan

"Let's get going" Sasuke grabbed Sakura and left.

Y/N then followed Sasuke while also grabbing Naruto.

Not knowing a turtle was watching them.

Word count: 670

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