Chapter 20: A Gleaming Grey Realm

Start from the beginning

"I..." (Katsuo) pauses. Something is not right here but he figured that it would only cause chaos and confusion if he denied anything here, including the fact that he is referring to him as the Shogun. He shook his head. "I'll be fine, soldiers. I suppose I am a little disturbed lately." He'll have to play along to what this realm is playing on him.

"Disturbed? Why, I suggest you must see Guuji Yae immediately! Your condition must be of great concern to you if you had to disappear for a week!" The other guard remarks, similarly concerned for him. (Katsuo) shook his head.

"I know what I must do. Now, take this one away." (Katsuo) ordered them and the two guards bowed again before they seized the captured runner and brought him back to the city, leaving the enenra to his thoughts.

Well, it's a good thing that something is the same as ever. Of course Miko would remain as the Guuji. Still, he has been missing for a week? Or rather, the Almighty Shogun, who is him...? Another matter to be concerned about is the other fact that he is using an ordinary sword instead of Kazemoya; an ornate sword, but it is ordinary in every other regard. However, his concern for it pales in comparison towards the one question involving the ruler of Inazuma:

Where is the Raiden Shogun?

(Katsuo) enters the city proper and right away, the citizens greeted him with respect as he walked through the streets. Right away, he saw the way how humans and yōkai mingled with one another, as if their racial differences hardly mattered. It was... beautiful, frankly speaking. There is peace to be seen here, but (Katsuo) knew that these are all just illusions. He has to find out what is happening and makes his way to Tenshukaku.

Going through the streets, he was greeted— no, he was revered by the citizens. Every single one of them, even the ones familiar to him, are showing him their respect or fear of him, or both. (Katsuo) has the urge to return the greetings he was given which has surprised some of the citizens. Curiously enough, Mikoshi no Gen Crafts, the shop that is supposedly being run by one of Chiyo's descendants, is not exactly as it should be and instead, it is labeled as Taira Trade Crafts.


The enenra continued on, eventually coming across the Tenryou Commission police station, although like the rest of the flags and banners, the ones here are of grey colours with silver lining and the occasional gold here and there. And that kamon of cloud and mist... It was as if a different power had taken over the Shogunate in this reality.


Right. (Katsuo) has to remind himself that this is a realm that Kazemoya had built from under his nose. Everything here is most likely false and is meant to persuade him... or something.

And yet, he felt... at home. It was as if he belonged here and that he deserves all of it.

... Is this Kazemoya taking pity on him for all the losses and sacrifices he had to endure? If so, why? Why would Kazemoya do this? Rather, why is Kazemoya giving him this reality, as false as it is?

"Ah, Almighty Shogun!" He hears someone call out to him and turns to look, he sees another familiar face: Owada, the yoriki in charge of the police station. The yoriki bows to him before he gestures for him to speak, figuring that he won't do so unless allowed to. "Almighty Shogun. It is refreshing to see you back once more." Owada says to him.

Right, he was allegedly missing for a week now. (Katsuo) decides to continue playing along. "There is nothing to be worried about. I was just disturbed for a little while, but I am better now." He says to Owada, keeping up the ploy of him disappearing for that reason.

Owada nodded. "If you say so, then we have no reason to doubt you. I told the others to stay put as I knew you wouldn't leave us so suddenly." He says with great reverence of the ancient enenra.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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