-Chapter 8-

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-Chapter 8-Only for you

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-Chapter 8-
Only for you

"So, what would you do Y/n." Dusk whispered.

I stood there dumbfounded, my face painted with a shocked expression. Right, what would I do? If everything was a lie in front of me, what point is there to attempt to live according to history again?

Was my death even......

"Are you without a plan right now?" You appeared to have everything figured out just a second ago." Dusk pointed out.

In humiliation, I clenched my hand and lowered my head.

"I'm lost....." I muttered.

"Right, I could tell. If I were you, mortal, I'd devise a strategy as soon as possible."Dusk boldly stated.

I sighed angrily; everything was jumbled, and nothing made sense.

"Hey, mortal, are you even listening to me?" Urk, do you mortals never honour your deity?" Dusk banged her tail against the wall in fury.

".....why?" I whispered so quietly.


"Why do you insist on helping me?"

It's conceivable that I said something incorrectly. I didn't want for my question to be misconstrued in that way. I didn't mean to use the phrase 'help.' It was certainly near, but using the word "help" to describe a god of such lofty dignity is most likely an insult. 'Consult' was the term I intended to use. No, she would find that offensive as well

She came to a halt and peered at me, her orange-marbled eyes gleaming brightly.

"I'm going." That was all she had to say.


But it was pointless to ask her that. That exquisite lady has been like that, even before.





"Why do you insist on helping me?"

That's what she/he stated. I came to a halt. Was it true that I was helping her/him? Yes, absolutely. That was never a question I had to confront myself with. If she/he wanted to conquer Terra, I would gladly assist her/him. Was I, however, like this in the past? That is unquestionably a no.

What was I like?

Even thinking about these stupid questions hurt my head. It would have been nice to keep painting lands that are too priceless to be preserved on terra.

"I'm going," I said with a sigh. Before striding along a seemingly endless corridor.

To You, From Another Dream ARKNIGHTS(Dusk x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now