-Chapter 7-

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-Chapter 7-The lie

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-Chapter 7-
The lie


I blinked, puzzled, but responded with a shake of my head. I've never seen anything like it. It doesn't matter; thinking about it won't change anything. "Think about it: Y/n, what would you say?" Why would there be a need to find an excuse if you just speak the truth?" I pondered.

"I need it for a patient."

Dusk's eyes widened in astonishment, and she hastily stepped back to make room for us. "Ugh." She massaged her head in annoyance before resuming normalcy.

"Right." She cynically stated.

My annoyance blew up my face. "H-Hey, take this seriously; I'm in desperate need of it." I made a squeaky noise.



E-eh? Is it possible that I said something incorrectly? The face of dusk had suddenly become dismal and dark. I simply don't understand what occurred; all I said was that she should take my comments seriously... Is she mad because I told her she had to do something? Dusk extended her arms and clicked her tongue. She slapped the top of my head before I could react.

"Wh-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h" I began.

"Stop." Her command was delivered in a firm tone. "Before you start blabbering again, pay attention to what I'm saying." I simply do not see why you mortals are permitted to chirp like a hummingbird all day."

Thank you so much for the "compliment." For the rest of my life, I shall remember this magnificent phrase spoken by this lovely deity.

"Why?" She went on. "Why would you need a deadly herb that can give a patient an asthma attack in under an hour?" "Is that mortal that tired of living?"

What? My life came to a halt.

"T-This can't be right; m-my master would never-" I started telling a sweet and sour lie to hide the obvious.

"Nevertheless, it is." Dusk rubbed her chin with her hand.

Right. That was the case. My master's knowledge is comparable to that of a thousand-year-old deity. The god would triumph. My cheeks turned a fiery scarlet, and salty sweat began to drip down my soiled face.

"So, what would you do Y/n." Dusk whispered.

To You, From Another Dream ARKNIGHTS(Dusk x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now