Prologue: Hunting Rampage

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(Released in September 15, 2023)

(Disclaimer: This chapter is a continuation from AL: TDHC and DE Chapter 5, Iron Blood VS. Sakura Empire. It is HIGHLY recommended you read that before coming here as spoilers will be appearing throughout this chapter and explains the causing event.)

(The Arena)

Kosa approaches the fallen and injured Kage while remaining expressionless.

Kosa: Now then, Young brother. It's been a few days since you sharpen your blade. What suddenly happened to you just now?

Kage (Thinking): *Cough* *Cough* That voice...

Kage looks up to see who it is, upon a closer inspection, he sees Kosa looking down on him with disappointment, and upon seeing him, Kage becomes annoyed just by looking at him.

Kage: Looks like someone has decided to clean the trash out... *Cough* *Cough*

Kosa: Look at you. Turning a Fallen warrior into becoming a half Monster... I'll end this now. Come at me!

Kage slowly gets up from the ground, he puts his hands up front and cracks both of them, he then puts his palms both together and hurls to his side then gets into a stance with his hands resembling a claw.

Kosa fluently shifts his hands to his sides with a blue aura resembling a flow of water following his extremities then getting into a stance, with his left hand in front and his right hand close behind his left forearm to his chest and shoulder with open palms.

Kage and Kosa glared at each other with now a battle between two brothers standing before each other.

Kage remembers the memories of himself from his fight against Akari.

(Three days ago)

It begins with Akagi and Kaga arguing each other in front of their sisters place, while Amagi and Tosa were out getting groceries. 

Akagi: What makes you believe turning back into a Battleship make you any different!?

Kaga: I'm SORRY? Did I offend you just because I was necessarily wanted it to?! And why would I ever work with you?

Akagi: Look, Amagi wanted us to treat each other like sisters. So why suddenly speak out?!

Kaga: That's because this is stupid! Why of all people I would be pair up is you?

Akagi: Because we're carriers! We're suppose superiors to the skies and seas, and we can do things that no ships could ever do! 

Kaga: I never thought you'll be stupid more than ever. You truly are blind, deaf, and dumb! ALL AT ONCE!!!

Akagi: You're bad mouthing me means NOTHING, to me. And besides, you were critically injured last night and we had no choice but to heal and turn you into carrier!

Kaga grinds her teeth.

Kaga: How about we settle this from outside of the port? And see who's better in terms of strength and speed!

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