05: fast enemies

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Since birth she and Rory had been compared to each other. It's something that both twins found to be incredibly annoying. Yes, they are twins with similar interests but they are two entirely different people. Everyone just naturally assumed they were the same person, but they were far from right.

"No. Not like Rory," Cassie told him, as she finally found some of her confidence. "I wish to write about sports."

"Sports?" Headmaster Charlseton asked in a very judgemental tone. It was clear who his favorite twin was.

"Since I was little my favorite thing to do was go out and play a game with the kids at my school or watch different games on television."

"It's true," Rory interjected. "She'd spend hours screaming at the tv because they didn't shoot a touchdown."

Cassie winced quietly, knowing that she was the only one in the Gilmore household that actually understood sports and that she watched baseball, not football.

"I want to write about the people that made me happy when I was a kid. I want to write the kind of articles that made me cry when I found out my favorite player was retiring." She explained to him, a small smile forming on her face.

"And you think you'll be able to accomplish all that?"

"I do," Cassie answered, sitting up a little bit taller.

"And you want to be on television."

"No," Cassie answered calmly. "This has nothing to do with being famous. I just want to do the thing I've been dreaming about since I picked up my first baseball."

The Headmaster sighed, standing up from his seat as he looked at the Gilmore daughters. They could tell he was ready to lecture them, so they turned in their seats to look at him. "I've known your grandparents for quite some time.

"We know."

The Headmaster continued to tell them how fond of their grandparents he was. But then reminded them how smart the students were at Chilton. He told them that even though they were the smartest girls in Stars Hollow that might not be the case at Chilton. He warned them that there is a very good chance they may fail, something that is not allowed at Chilton.


"So you liked the lobster puffs, huh?"

"Take this to Miss James, in the administration office across the hall," The Headmaster said, handing each girl their folder.

Rory and Cassie took their folders then quickly exited the room. The second the door closed behind them they left out a long breath of air.

"God, I couldn't breathe in there," Cassie said, leaning her back against the wall.

"You did great Cass," Rory told her before pulling her off the wall so they could walk to the administration office.

They set their folders on the desk and the rather cold woman handed them some papers to fill out while she took their folders. Cassie grabbed two pens, handing one to Rory and keeping the other to herself. The two girls quickly finished answering all the questions on the paper then stood quietly waiting for further instruction.

"Everyone has a stick up their ass in this school," Cassie muttered quietly.

"Shut up," Rory nudged Cassie's shoulder as the woman came up to them.

She gave them a map of the school their schedule and continued to carry on with information that made both the girls scared for their life. Then she finished with "Welcome to Chilton."

Cassie and Rory walked out of the office, holding up their schedules to see if they had any classes together. Rory smiled pointing to the classes they did have together, the exception being math, science, and physical education. However they did have their first class together, so they promptly headed towards the classroom.

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