Never Telling

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Though everyone in the Octonauts' family trusts each other with their lives, there are things they refuse to tell each other.

Because of becoming a pirate at 12 and cos he had some language problems, Kwazii is functionally illiterate. It means he can read, but to a limited degree. In fact, Koshi and Squirt are better than he is. He was so ashamed of it, and tried to hide it, but after Peso gave him a prescription medication, and Kwazii couldn't read the label what he was supposed to do, Peso found out.

He refused to make Kwazii feel bad about it, and basically just invited Kwazii to the Sick Bay one day, gave him a big hug, and told him that he knew that he couldn't read the label, but he would try to help him as best as he could. 

For the next week or so, Peso brought Inkling with him, and together, they taught Kwazii how to read at the level that he should have been reading on. Peso was so proud of Kwazii whenever Kwazii made progress, Peso would just bounce up and down, beaming like a little ray of sunshine, and clapping his flippers together cos he was so happy for Kwazii, and he'd give Kwazii a big hug and tell him, "I knew you could do it!"

Tweak has never felt any romantic attraction to anyway, and felt super bad about it once she saw how all her friends from high school had dates, and was feeling a little left out, and when Dashi found out, Dashi went down to Tweak's room, gave her cuddles until she cheered up a little, and they had a girls' night. 

Dashi tries to balance work and taking care of her two younger sisters at the same time, but neither work or her sisters are easy to manage, and sometimes, she gets a bit overwhelmed, and Tweak can always tell when Dashi is struggling, so Tweak goes over to her, gives her hugs, ear rubs, and sometimes a back massage, and offers to either take her sisters for her or do some her her tasks for her.

Whenever you tell the Vegimals a little secret. Any secret. The cuties will insist that it's a secret, and will put their tiny flippers to their mouths, go "shh!" And hug you with the promise that they'll never ever tell cos they "wuv you". 

When Pinto was 15, the Octonauts were off the coast of his hometown, and one of his friends was having a party late at night, so Pinto decided to sneak out and go. He went, and proceeded to get stranded at the party at 4 AM after his friends who took him to the party decided that he wanted to stay the night, so Pinto called the one person who would be awake at the time and wouldn't rat him out to Peso to come and get him, Jane.

In return, Jane told him that if Pinto ever told ANYONE about Bryson, a friend who she had met online and did background art and co-managed two storytime animation Youtube channels with (as you can tell, Bryson's a boy name), she'd tell Peso about the party, and Pinto threatened her that if she told about the party, then he'd tell Dashi about Bryson, so they made a pact to never, ever tell about either of these things.

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