Just Stop being Horrid.

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I knew that I couldn't keep it up out here, at this rate I'd die before they found me.
I began walking the way I came, it took me a long long time. So long that by the time I got there, I was drenched from the rain, my knees trembling. The sun was about to go down. I go up to the front door and take a deep breath.
Every thought ran through my head of how they would react to me coming home.
Maybe they just wouldn't care. Maybe they would want me to leave again. What if they had already sold all my stuff???
I took one more deep breath. It didn't matter what they said. For once, I had to admit, me running away was horrid. I couldn't handle another minute outside in the rain. I breathe deeply, then knock on the door.

It didn't take long at all for someone to open the door, it was Mum. Her jaw dropped when she sees me. Neither of us say anything for a moment, but after a second, Mum drops to her knees and hugs me tightly. I was surprised to say the least. But then I hear her... Crying..? I bring my arm up to hug her slowly. "... Are you crying..?" I ask her, my voice shaking from the cold. Mum shook her head and just held me tighter. "... You had us all so worried. I'm so sorry Henry... If you want to go back to that school, you can. You can have whatever you want. Just.. please don't run away again." Mum pleads with me. I move back from her hug. "Actually... I think I'm okay going to Ashton... If it's what the worm wants.." I smile to Mum and she smiles back at me. "Can I come in please? I've been out in the rain all day..." Mum nods and quickly pulls me inside. "I'm going to make some hot chocolate, you must be starving- oh I think there's some left over food from dinner, I can heat that up for you!-" Mum rushed around the kitchen, I couldn't help but laugh a little. I missed this.

That's when Dad walks into the kitchen. "What's going on in he-?" Dad freezes when his eyes fall on me. He slowly walks up to me, as if I was a lion he wanted to pet. He doesn't get too close before I get up and give him a hug. Dad was quick to hug me back. "...I'm glad you're okay, Henry." He says quietly. Mum soon joins the hug. It was a lot nicer than being in the rain.

So maybe I didn't get to go back to that perfect school, but I did get to spend some good time with my family, the Nappy Baby felt a lot better back at Ashton. And besides, Aston has one thing that other school could never have; the Purple Hand Gang gang. And that's the best thing I could ask for.

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